Chapter 24 (Part 2)

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Hiya guys =) There's only a few chappys left until 'Cheated' is finito :( I'm still not sure if I'm gunna do a sequel or not :/ I've got an idea but I'm not sure if its worth it or just leaving Luce and Lou as they are and trying out some new stories I've got thought up or not?

Kay, this chapter starts from when the Zaynster and LuLu have just left to go on their Zucie date :P it's more focussed on loueh :D

I wasn't really happy with this chapter -_- so yeah it's pretty suckish sorry :(

Love ya x



Louis stared wistfully out the door as his girlfriend left with his bandmate to god knows where. He struggled to calm is protective instincts to run after the small girl and keep her away from any possible dangers to her and their small unborn baby.

"Awe, Zucie are going on a date!" Harry shouted.

Louis rolled his eyes as Harry interrupted his trail of thought. Harry constantly teased Louis with the name 'Zucie' in the attempt to try and make Louis jealous of the relationship between Zayn and his girlfriend. So far it really wasn't working, Louis had too much faith and trust in Lucie to feel any jealousy.

"Shut up, Haz." Louis said.

" Loueh jealous of Zucie? Don't worry I'm sure Monica would rip every single strand of Lucie's hair out if she tried anything with Zayn. Luce is way to scared to try and do anything."

Louis rolled his eyes at Harry's attempt to try and soothe his supposed jealousy.

"Haz, even I know that was really bad 'support'" Niall scoffed.

"Meh whatever, I gotta go anyways...I'm meeting up with Kait. What times Zee and Luce gettin' back?" Harry asked, looking at his phone.

"I think Zayn said about half four or so?" Liam said, unsure.

"Kay, I'll be back at four, text me if you find out if they're coming back any time sooner."

"Why?" Louis asked confused.

Harry turned and stared at his friend as if he had just uttered one of the stupidest questions harry had ever heard. He stared at his best friend as if he was missing out on the obvious point...which he clearly was.

"Because what kind of brother would I be if I didn't tease and annoy my little sister to no end?" Harry said in an obvious tone, as if he were speaking to a three year old. Louis did recognise that voice from when he played with family or friend's babies and children.

"One that Luce would like?"Niall offered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever. Bye guys!"

"See ya." The others called back as Harry left to visit his girlfriend.

"And then there were three." Liam mumbled, looking around at the two boys left with him. "So what you guys wanna do?"

"Mario Kart marathon?" Niall suggested making the other two boys smile wickedly.

20 minutes later, the Wii had been turned on and the three boys were waiting patiently, controllers in hand, for the game to finish loading.

"Prepare to have 'ur asses kicked lads." Niall smirked as the game began counting down from three.

"Oh it's on like Donkey Kong." Liam replied.

Hours passed and the boys remained in their positions, the game becoming far too intense for any if them to even consider moving. Liam could feel his desperation for a drink rising, similar to Niall's growing need for some food but they stayed still taking these games as serious as the Olympics.

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