Keep On Trying Until It's Done

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So, we have this idea, and we had envisioned a course of actions.

Since we had encountered certain expected set backs and we will just have to figure out a way to tackle the matter.

How do we do that?

Keep on calling until there is a response.

The concequences are not something that we should worry about.

Anyhow, we need to get his thing done.


Delivery. Paycheck.

So, talk and words.

Just letting them know, in certain office gossip or whatever.

At least just let them know.

That we, well, of course there are better ways to approach this.

But that would require too much time and chance.

Also, depending on the things that we do not and may never have. The connections and insights.

We need a way to carry it out.

The different projects in this world.

This is certainly not fun.

There is a reason they have to pick up the call.

Nothing could be more important than that.

This is going to be more of the most important projects of all.

OK, we are an idealist. Perhaps. All those labels.

The books we have read and our thoughts on them.

I cannot control my temper.

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