Here We Go Again

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Writing once again, we are going to look one the bright side, English language capabilities.

We have to become a polyglot.

They will have to be here. I will assemble my team.

When there is money, that should be easy.

So, we should use all the leverages we can, we will be there teaching and eagerly awaiting the start of the good stuff.

There, we should be able to chat with more of them.

Quite lovely stuff.

Majority, so, as long as we promise that we do not do that?

So, or one that is without the stuff?

Not quite sure actually.


That is certainly something we are going to go after, if that's something we wanted to do.

Then, we will only ask ourselves, how do we get it done?

Either by educating ourselves as well as all the other stuff.

Vaccination, passport and Emirates ID.

Those things are going to be highly important.

They should give us everything, we will ask for them.

Because if its going to be a million, one hundred million company, education.

Yes, expansive.

We will guide you through your life.

There will always be those who are on call, even if, just whatever.

We can certainly afford it.

And the access will be given to others as well.

Then, basically we will not waste these resources.


They will build up a case. Website. And instant feed back loop.

Connections, how to make sure things are going to work?

Inviting each other to the houses.

Unleash their potential.

Ambitious, yes, space themed.

We will start with those influential youth.

If its changes we are after, then we need millions of those who are at the top to get it done.

That's going to be the most important things.

And that will only be another project.

What we wanted if merely the title, game producer.

Getting things done.

With fixers and whitegloves.

Purchasing power.

Plan ahead.

There should always be a plan.

We have to organize ourselves.

For the reward, and instant feedback loop.

We will trigger their young minds and in turn, push innovation in the education sector.

Less stringent, why cannot we have a revolution like that?


We wanted to change the world.

If this generation is long gone.

Then I will start from their offspring.

If we got the go ahead.

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