Act On The Idea

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Time is precious, there is no need to ponder and wonder around.

We really wanted to do that, making things better for every one.

Forcefully. And potentially.

Encroachment. Fortified, resources.

Why cannot I just do that?

Two things, when the drive is still here, we just ask him if this bus is indeed headed to the office.

Then the second thing is, since I am quite certain this bus is the one, then why don't I just insist, instead of letting others behavior and actions influence our thoughts and other stuff.

Like, there is nothing that could be more important than this.

Rehearsal. Polarity.




Linguistic, fortify, Encroachment.

Readily available.

Flexible, reduction and all those things.

Trade protection and stuff.

Variety and asking more people to join in this idea, actions and all those cool things.

Acting on the idea, we have to give this a try.

Giving it a shot. Terminate, legality, randomly.

Perfection, utility, lecture, falsehood.

Flesh and blood. Fermentation.

Getting things done, readily available.

The one and only, I can do things that no one else dare to think about.

Connect, please, even if just to hear me talk about a few stories, query and unlikely.

I need to give him a phone call.

Who, I do not want to be involved into this kinds of things.

Highly educated and remarkable.


Actually do it. Nothing could be more important.

Readily available.

English language ability, remarkable.

Asking and having the ideas.

Basically we are just going to know everything there is to know and getting things done.


Tedious, lecture, responsible. Friends and cool stuff.

Lovely, usable, well, OK I will just have to change some of my opinions.

If only that's going to happen, readily available.

Subsidiary and all those things.

Makes me look older and all those things.

Requests, lovely, mentor, make these things great again.

Referrals, education and all those things.

Should be capable. Ideas is something that needs solidify, fermentation and getting all these things done.

Encroachment, selective, available.

Savory, it depends, so it should either happen, or not at all.



Getting things paid off.

If we can actually find some breathing room.

Sponsors. And all the things available.

Query and segregation, polarity.

Usable, and all the things that will be really important.

She is a poor sod, an inferior human being.

Emm, not hundred percent sure about that, there are various education centres.

So, we do not have to solely focus on one of them.

Study and plans, we do need to consult.

No one is going to do your homework for you.

Then again, the thing is, we actually like to make these things happen.

Won't it be fun?

Grammatically correct.

Vehicle and international drivers license.

I just have to get one domestically.

Always have a driver to drive me around?

That's fine, though, not going to be the most iconic.

Yeah, they weren't paid enough, but I guess no one cares about that.

The vehicle. So, that's a rough estimate.

Fortify, focus on these things.

Remarkable and all the different things.

They are going to share the same pool of data and stuff.


One thing I do hate, is that Chinese people are really into making money off their country man.

Real scams.

That's really irritating and annoying.

Indians and others are similar.

What I despise, is that there is no so called national unity in places.

The country is already divided.

The cracks are starting to show.

But, being the only one, it will be here to stay.

They are the most hateful.


They are the ones who should be put in jail.

These things are terrible.

But then again. They might actually allow online stuff.

Virtually and involves nothing of the sorts.

Education and resourceful.

Highly respected.

What do you think is the most important thing?

Highly regarded.




Make it happen.

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