As I Am Saying

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So, yeah, this system is something that we are going to work on.

Like we work, then we will be rewarded for this work.

Nothing is limiting us.

We can think to make things happen.

Well, the reality isn't quite like this.

Though, I am sleepy as a nutcase.


Reading, the info that we take in is shaping out reality and everything about us.

So, we have to be more careful with what we are actually thinking.

The love of learning new things.

Discovering all those amazing people.

We need them to be enthusiastic about stuff.

They do not have to a scientist for their entire lives.

They can consider that to be a discipline that they had learned.

I wanted to take on these responsibilities.

To give people a better life.

To help them form new connections and generally aid them in their work.

Cash and money that is going to change hands.


Forming rapport.

OK, at least he is being an individual who is quite something.

Which just happens to be something I am not too familiar with.

So, should we consider it to be some sort of a thing that lowers the karma?

Emm, if we are actually going to base our thoughts and beliefs on that.

Hmm. It is an interesting kind of thinking.

You know, where we build up our self worth.

So, we will teach them thoughts.

And advanced learning methods.

They can then tweak it to their liking.

Consistent motivation and the occasional pat on the back.

The little confectionary stuff.

Conference centre of the word.

Guess they would rather keep a low profile for that.

It will be heavily publicized, though no info or data is going to flow out.

Non disclosure and other contracts will have to be signed.

So, I want this to be a mecassry step to forge the children into capable adults.

Well, when you have money and little regard to things.

It is going to get more interesting.

Should we treat them as human being?

Or just some sort of a dump?

OK, let's not continue that thought.

I like this process, how translating the thought into something recorded.

I am feeling more sleepy now.

So, it will have to be.

Quite unlikely.

So, there should be different capabilities.

I need control.

Managing the teams, so assembly.

Monetary, and all those executive things.

So, one of them should act as an liaison. Or a back channel to things.

Basically direct contact and not through subsidiary.

A sort of a screening process.

Dare to think big.

On a more realist approach.


Anyway she is on duty, might as well just be more productive.

Not like wasting too much time or whatever.

At least if it works then this is an interesting system.

We are going to figure out these things.

If it's needed, then I would like to know more.

Though, things are not just like this.

We keep on managing the things.


Like we said, the three skills.

Language, computer and professional.

These things are the most important.

Of course there is different distinctions and much much more stuff.

Quite unlikely and however it is.

So, believe in the karma system and build up our inner karma point base.

Then we can redeem the karma points for our imaginative and ambitious projects.

Dream it possible.

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