Cross Cultural

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Letting people know, we do exist.

Then we can come to an understanding.

OK, it's more complicated than that.

Let's talk history.


Group psychologist.

Group meditation and yoga.

Professional guidance.

Just what make you think, all those things.

We shall create what we wanted.

Our own channels of voices.

Why westernised?

Don't we have our own amazing cultures?

The traitors and low blows. They shall pay for what they had done.

Certain ones had been censored.

Quite unique. One way or the other.

Staff, just answering these questions.


Quite unlikely.

Asking for feedback.

By connecting the platforms.

Links and how to make sure it is indeed going to work?


It is out there, adding up to more chunky writing.

We wanted to make things better.

What do you think is going to be the matter?

China had ruined culture.

What a bunch of fat cats, who does nothing but focus on their own wealth and whatever.

We should be critical of them.

The thing is, we shouldn't, uh...

Would there ever be a way?

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