ch. 61

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Chapter Sixty One;;- Cool.

Once Aizwa and [name] had shared their first kiss in the hospital that busy evening, it was like everything snowballed chaotically. Now that neither were denying the feelings or holding them back, it was like their entire mind and body and soul were beginning to revolve around the budding romance.

They found themselves waking up with a smile on their face. For [name], sleep even felt a touch easier. For Aizawa, being awake during the day felt like it was really worth it. They spent most of their time in each other's company, even if it was in a content silence.

Hitting milestones felt natural to them after that first kiss, like a hump that needed to just powered through. A first date, cuddling, staying at one the other's apartment. It was like their lives started to slot together like they had been made to. With the similar professions, it wasn't difficult to line their schedules up. They even started patrolling at the same time (though they were careful to keep it strictly professional on patrol-- they wouldn't be letting any villain get away because they were being lovey dovey).

Although, lovey dovey wasn't entirely their thing. They shared affectionate touches and exchanged 'I love you's frequently enough, but they never paused and addressed the romance between them. It was like they just accepted it as a new part of their lives, with no need to talk about it.

And they were okay with that, really.

[name] had a loose grip on Aizawa's hand as they wandered back to the dorms after a shared patrol. She felt tired, the ache in her bones that made it feel like her entire body weighed twice as much as usual. But the little hamster in her brain was really running that wheel tonight. It would be a long one, she knew.

As they got to the first of their doors (Aizawa's), [name] released Aizawa's hand. She turned towards him, hooked her arms around his neck, and leaned in to give him a hug goodnight.

Aizawa reciprocated with his arms around her waist. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "Are you sleeping at yours today?" He asked after just a second of hesitation.

[name] shrugged, pulling away. "I don't think sleep is going to come all that easy tonight. I don't want to keep you up and being in someone else's bed won't help anyway."

"Okay." He looked pensive for a moment. "I'll come to yours, then."

"What?" She knitted her eyebrows together. "I just said I don't want to keep you up, Shouta."

Aizawa nodded, averting his eyes. "I'd rather make sure you're sleeping well before I sleep."

At that, [name]'s stomach flooded with warmth, an undeniable smile growing on her face. She laughed. "Fine, come to mine. WB will be happy to see you anyway."

So they ditched Aizawa's room door and instead went to [name]'s. She opened the door carefully so that the cats wouldn't sprint out and away, and the both of them slipped through the door. Indeed, Weird Bug was glad to see Aizawa, trotting over quickly to headbutt his calf.

[name] glanced quickly at their food and water bowls, making sure they had enough to last them until their breakfast time, then started towards her bedroom, largely ignoring the two cats that swarmed around her own legs. On her way, she had already started to change from her hero costume into something she could sleep in.

Aizawa did the same as he entered the bedroom-- the two having a pair of the other's pajamas at their house already. Once they both had changed [name] crawled under her blankets and Aizawa followed suit, immediately shuffling over to put his arms around [name]. Bebus hopped onto the bed behind them, hunkering down into the crook of [name]'s knees.

"You don't have to do this, you know," [name] murmured. "I know you're tired."

"And?" Aizawa replied in the same soft tone she was using. "I know you are too, and if I have any control over making sure my girlfriend sleeps well, I'd like to do so."

[name] paused, just savoring the words. She wasn't sure if she had ever really heard someone vocally really care about her. It felt so late in life to finally be hearing that. "Is that what we are?"

"What else would we be?" He wiggled a bit, shifting positions. With [name] turned into his chest, he wrapped one arm on the back of her head and the other around her waist, resting his head on top of hers.

She could barely shrug in the new position, but she did anyway. "Dunno. We never really had that talk." She paused. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked, unusually timid for her.

Aizawa rolled his eyes so hard [name] could practically hear it. "Duh."

"Cool," She answered. A moment passed. "I want to be your girlfriend, too."

His chest shook in a silent chuckle. "Cool."

And surprisingly, sleep didn't take that long at all.

a/n: so. this is technically the last chapter (but i've got an epilogue coming soon). i really finally did it. i'm sorry it took so long, but thank you for sticking with me guys.

if you're interested in knowing since i mentioned it in the last two chapters, my boyfriend is finally in recovery. can eat solids again, isn't coughing blood anymore, etc. obv still there and sleeping a lot, but hopefully he'll be out pretty soon.

it almost doesn't feel real that this is ending. i mean really, its insane. my most popular story ever, taken me just over three years to finish it, nearly THREE HUNDRED PAGES, but it's finally happening. i'm so thankful for all the support i received during the writing of this. you guys are the most insane ego boosters i swear. i love you so much, and i'll see you in a few days for the final chapter, the epilogue of Infectious where i'll write my real teary thank yous. xoxo

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