ch. 12

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Chapter Twelve;;- The Sports Festival

The crowds were buzzing with spectators getting excited for the upcoming festival, reporters chattering among themselves as they set up their equipment.

"Gather round, mass media! It's time once again to see the high schoolers you know and revel in their youth. It's Yuuei's sports festival everybody-- Are you ready?" Yamada announced through the overhead speakers.

[name] walked behind the scenes between the student's rooms to make sure everyone left the stadium at their assigned times. She checked in on each one individually, asked if everyone was alright, and granted that she received an affirmative, she would move onto the next room to repeat the process.

She could see plenty of the shaking with nerves, others using the second to train their quirks until the absolute last minute, the rest doing their own calm down techniques. The minority were the ones completely unaffected (cough cough Bakugou cough).

Once she had done a whole round and everyone was good, [name] left the backstage and started wandering around the halls. She didn't really have a specific job, per say. Most of the other teachers had a certain thing they were tasked with, but [name] didn't have any talents that would have been useful to the sports festival, so she was kind of security and kind of just there to support her students.

"The students are coming out!" Yamada yelled over the announcements. [name] had noticed how his personality shifted when he was off duty compared to on duty. She couldn't blame him though, especially if she did the same. "First up, you know who I'm talking about! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower! The first years of the hero course! It's Class 1-A!!"

The crowd roared with excitement as class 1-A walked out from their entrance.

"Following class B, it's classes C, D, and E of general studies! And here come the support courses classes F, G, and H! And the business course comes in last!" He didn't dwell on the others as much as he did class A. Not as many people were interested in them, but it still felt a little bit unfair in [name]'s eyes.

[name] continued to wander around in the hallways with no sight of the arena. She listened to Bakugou give his one line speech over the microphone, and the response from the students were load enough that they didn't need a microphone to be heard.

When the students were a bit quieter, Kayama launched right into announcing the first stage, which turned out to be an obstacle course. Some rumbling followed, probably Cementoss creating the obstacle course, then the roar of the crowd reignited, thundering in [name]'s ears.

"The first stage must have started..," [name] murmured to herself. She stopped at a secluded spot where she was sure that she wouldn't be discovered. She leaned her back against the wall, sliding down it to sit on the floor.

Over the speakers, Yamada's voice boomed again. "Mummy-man! Are you ready for our live coverage and commentary?"

"Not voluntarily..." It surprised her to hear Aizawa's voice answer him. She knew that Yamada and Aizawa were close friends, but shouldn't Yamada know then that Aizawa probably wasn't a good person to commentate?

[name] could hear Yamada announce the first obstacle as she tilted her head back against the concrete. She tuned out the deafening cheering of the audience and Yamada's loud voice, retreating into her head for some peace and quiet.

She could feel a migraine building behind her temples. How long was this sports festival? She had never paid any attention to it since she moved her-- she might have been a hero, but she wasn't looking for any interns, especially since that was a whole other license that she would need. This whole thing was new to her.

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