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Special Chapter Three;;- Enticing Encounter (Villain!Reader AU)


[name]'s heart pounded in her chest to the rhythm of her feet pounding on the pavement. The night was heavy on her shoulders, the thick darkness blanketing the town in silence.

That is, except for the police sirens that wailed as they sped down the streets.

[name] slid into a back alleyway, fingers skimming the ground as her body dips low to the side because of the shift turn. The noise is quieter in the alley, meaning that the police aren't anywhere near. She grinned at the thought of losing them, slowing her pace gradually until she was standing still deep in the dark alley.

A yawn stretched her mouth wide, tired from the combination of her quirk usage and all the physical exercise. There must have been an informant in her little group of trusted villains that tipped off the police on where and what she would be doing. [name] made a mental note to confront them all about it later.

It was difficult to find trustworthy "friends" in the villain business. [name] would know. She was a particularly rough villain that had been making the heroes' lives difficult for years since she had moved to Japan. The heroes here were worthless, she told any other villain who would listen, and it was easy to get away with just about anything.

Today's heist had been relatively simple, in [name]'s book. Around the security measures, in the jewelry shop, get the gem in her hands, and back out again. Easy, no nonsense, sort of morally sound (from some perspectives), and she still got a fat wad a cash for it.

Now that she was in the alleyway and safe (she assumed, at least), [name]'s gloved fingers gently untied the strings of the black silk bag that held the gem in it. The dumped in into her palm, admiring the way the dull moonlight glinted off of the many facets of the perfectly polished jewel. A shadow crossed one of the surfaces and [name] grinned, shoving it back in the bag as carefully and quickly as she could.

"Eraserhead, my old friend," She greeted. An innocent smile seized her lips, like they really were two old friends meeting up for a coffee instead of two enemies that were likely about to fight. "How lovely to see you here."

Aizawa was hanging down into the alley from the fire escape of the building on her left, dangling from his scarf that kept him in the air. It reminded [name] of Spiderman. He huffed irritably. "I don't think I can return that sentiment," He answered, knuckles white from how tight his grip was on the capture weapon holding him up. He was now directly in front of her, cutting her off from going further into the alley. Aware of his location, the police would be coming from the other end of the alley soon.

[name] tore her glove off with her teeth and patted Aizawa's chest softly with her bare hand. "Oh, I know you do," She purred, stepping forward so that her voice sounded close to his ear. She stepped to the side of where he was hanging and began to walk forward into the alley, despite Aizawa's obvious attempt to cut her off.

He dropped down, the scarf finding its way back around his neck. Before she could get too far, Aizawa shot out the scarf again, binding her wrists and stopping her from moving. He pulled her back to where he was standing, swiping his feet under hers so that she fell to the floor with a thud.Aizawa was quick to pin her wrists above her head, putting a knee on either side of her torso to make sure that she didn't escape.

Strangely enough, a devious smirk never left [name]'s lips. There was silence and no movement for a moment, but as the police sirens flared up again, [name] shifted slightly in Aizawa's grasp. "As incredibly hot as this is, Eraser," she began, her grin immediately widening as she watched slight embarrassment (but mostly annoyance) set into his face at the implication, "It seems it's time for me to go."

With an unnatural amount of strength for a woman smaller than Aizawa, in one swift movement, [name] switched their positions.Her face hovered over his for a moment, her hair creating a curtain that blocked out their surroundings. Aizawa could feel her warm breath fanning over his face.

They held eye contact for too long of a time before [name] finally hopped up and immediately began to sprint further into the alley. "I'll see you again?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at him. Her tone of voice sounded like a girl that had just been on a first date and was inquiring after another.

Aizawa couldn't answer before she had completely vanished from his sight, sitting on the ground in silent shock. His heart was beating unusually fast and... he kind of wanted to see this weird villain again.

a/n: it's really, really wacky to be writing this right now. i mean,,, wow!! i've been on quotev for almost five years and in my entire history of writing for this site, i have never once had a story as widely read as this one! even when i was writing sunfeeder, i was overwhelmed with how much support i was met with-- for the very next story i write to be even bigger than that one, it really blew my mind!!

not only is this story my most popular, it is also my longest and probably the one i am most proud of. don't get me wrong, if you read sunfeeder, i'm extremely proud of that one too-- but even in the couple of months since i finished it, my writing has evolved and changed even more. sunfeeder was fun to write, but i feel like i could have put more plot into it and overall, there were spots where it could be considerably better.

this story has the amount of plot that i like, writing it is so much fun that sometimes i'll sit down for like four hours and bang out a couple chapters in one sitting (which i have literally never done before for any other story). to be able to get such overwhelming support and feedback on a story that i like writing so much is more than any writer can ask for. it's literally so mind boggling i don't even know how to put it into words.

i really want to say thank you for everything. for giving my story a chance and sticking by it long enough for me to reach this absolutely nuts milestone. i'd really love to do something special, but i really don't have any talents besides writing lmao, so this little mini chapter will have to do.

p.s.: i love you :^)

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