ch. 24

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Chapter Twenty Four;;- Attractive?

The warm, humid air of the hot spring felt welcoming on [name]'s body as she entered the open area. Even with only a towel wrapped around her body, she still felt warm. Since she was alone, she didn't feel to insecure about the way she looked either (because let's be honest, is anyone 100% happy with their body?) so she didn't feel like she was in a hurry.

Removing the towel, she sank into the bath with her back to the wood plank wall that separated the women's bath from the men's bath. The hot water enveloped her, easing the tension from her tired muscles. Without her really meaning to, a relaxed sigh slid passed [name]'s lips. She leaned farther into the bath until she was submerged all the way up to her shoulders and she could lean her head back on the cobblestone flooring around the bathing area. She had tied her hair back in a messy bun to keep it from dipping in the water.

If [name] was being honest, this was the first time that she had ever been to a hot spring, which felt weird considering she had been in Japan for almost four years now. Suddenly she totally understood what she was missing out on. This would have to become a more normal thing for her.

It wasn't necessarily late at night, in fact it was probably only about 9:45, maybe 10:00. Those were amateur hours for [name]. Truthfully, she wasn't sure if she would sleep most nights, although she did hope she would.

Just thinking about getting in a bed sounded appealing to [name]. She was tired, even with that nap she took on the bus. It was short but she didn't take naps! She was surprised she managed to sleep for as long as she did, especially with her head pressed against the bus window. Maybe it helped that she had dreamed of sleeping against someone, although her unconscious mind never revealed who.

"Ah, I could probably fall asleep right here..," [name] mumbled, watching her breath blow ripples into the water.

The sound of water moving came from the other side of the wall. "Was that directed at me?" A voice from the men's side asked.

[name] felt her cheeks grow warm from embarrassment. Aizawa had heard her? She hadn't even known he was there. "No, sorry, I just talking to myself. I didn't even know you were in there..," She added the last part quietly. She wanted to bang her head on the floor.

"Oh," was the only reply, then some more quiet sounds of water. After a couple moments, he spoke up again. "You sound tired." He sounded closer than before. Did he move closer?

Was he really starting a conversation in the hot spring? This was a weird place to have a conversation, right?

[name] shrugged before realizing he couldn't see it. "Yeah, sort of. It's been a long day." The talk of sleep made her want to yawn.

"Mm, I can imagine. Even I feel tired and you did more than I did." It was true, she could hear the exhaustion tinging his tone.

Before she could stop herself, [name] murmured, "Don't you usually feel tired though?" Her tone was joking enough that she prayed he didn't find it offensive. Maybe it was the wall between them that made it easier for [name] to say what she wanted to.

From the other side of the wall she heard a soft chuckle. "Yeah," He answered, amusement present in his voice.

He had an attractive laugh.

[name] buried her face in her wet hands at that thought, trying to shake it out. There was nothing good in getting feelings for a coworker. It would be bad. Of course, finding someone attractive is not the same thing as catching feelings, but finding someone attractive is definitely the first step in doing so and [name] wasn't sure she could afford that right now. Also she didn't really read her contract for Yuuei that well, she would probably have to do some looking to make sure that was even allowed.

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