ch. 56

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Chapter Fifty Six;;- Feelings?

[name] shuffled through the papers on her desk, squinting tiredly at the messy Japanese. It was a little odd to be back reading Japanese again, after spending nearly a week back in her native language. The time back in the States though...

It really made her appreciate where she was now. She was doing a job she loved, despite it all, surrounded by people she cared about and they cared about her too. She had the pleasure of working with her brilliant students, shaping the future heroes of the country. She was happy in her quaint little life-- in a way she would have never been if she hadn't taken the huge leap all those years ago to become a hero.

Sure, maybe there were times when [name] felt like giving up. Studying for the hero exam in America made her nearly want to tear her hair out, it was so difficult she thought there was no way she would pass. After her mother found out, [name] thought that surely she was all alone in life, what the hell would she do?

But it all worked out.

Again and again and again, life lead her down the path that was right, even if it didn't always feel like it in the moment.

Would she have had that moment of self-reflection if she hadn't sucked it up and gone back to her hometown? No, correction, if Aizawa hadn't soothed her anxiety and taken her there.

A gentle smile tweaked her lips as she gazed down at the papers unseeingly. She really had so much to thank Aizawa for. Even if she never communicated her feelings for real, she felt at the very least she should say thank you for everything he had done. He deserved to hear it.

From across the otherwise empty room, Hizashi watched [name] with a curious gaze. For a moment she had looked like the tired, vaguely grumpy school teacher that had just gotten home from vacation (you know, that she was) but barely a second later she was grinning at the stack of ungraded tests in her hands like they had just told her the best news she would ever hear.

Did.... something happen? Once the thought had sparked in his head, assumptions started popping up left and right. Something good, totally, maybe something with her family? He barely understood the situation but that seemed unlikely. With an old friend maybe? She could've had a thing for that Elijah guy, maybe. Or.... Aizawa..? Perhaps....?

Hizashi jumped from his chair, chuckling when [name] startled at the loud noise. "Something happened when you were away!" He shouted and pointed at her, enthusiasm practically pouring from him.

The corners of her lips twitched into an awkward smile. "What are you on about, Hizashi?" She laughed lightly, setting the papers down to pat her chest like she was soothing heartache.

"You're smiling at those papers like they're the love of your life, [name]! I teach your kids too, there's no way they did that good."


"No offense."

She shook her head, laughing again at the exchange and shifting in her chair. "Like the love of my life, huh?" [name]'s eyes grew distant. "Probably not."

Hizashi's grin only grew wider, stretching way passed what the human face really should probably be able to do. "Something romance related!"

[name]'s cheeks grew hot and she averted her eyes. "Hizashi, keep your voice down... I-If I tell you, you have to promise to keep your big mouth shut, alright?" She fidgeted with her fingers nervously.

He mimed zipping his mouth shut. "I promise, [name]." He scurried over and sat down in the chair belonging to the desk next to hers. "Spill these beans!"

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