ch. 30

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Chapter Thirty;;- A Good Job

Slowly but steadily, some of the students began to take refuge in the building. Most looked unharmed but stressed, which was understandable considering that this was 1-B's first encounter with real villains.

Under the circumstances, [name] found herself incredibly proud of the students. They all seemed to be keeping a cool head and weren't making any rash decisions as far as she could tell. Obviously she had no way of knowing what the trouble makers from her class were out there doing, but there was a pit in her stomach that told her nothing good could be happening.

Some of the students came in dragging unconscious bodies of other students. Some had gas masks that [name] attributed as probably the work of Yaoyorozu. Others came in looking so completely frazzled that they were barely able to respond... It was worrying, seeing them all look so scared.

[name] was kept busy trying to hop from one injury to the next, making sure that none of them were life threatening, and greeting the people who came through the door with an admittedly strained smile. Still, she had to keep them thinking that everything was okay. Kota stayed clinging tight to [name]'s torso, though he fell asleep fairly early on in the ordeal.

Vlad King stayed outside, directing people inside reassuringly and taking care of any clones that popped up. Though, after the first couple, they stopped showing up at all. They knew that there was no way that they had gotten rid of the villain's original body, which meant that their objective there was probably close to completion. That didn't bode well for them.

He did manage to get word to some of the authorities and they were sending emergency vehicles out... but it was unsure of how long it would take them. Both of the pros were worried that they wouldn't make it in time, but neither wanted to say it out loud and jinx it.

[name] was placing a band-aid over a small cut on someone's cheek when a loud yell rang through the forest. "Midoriya?" She murmured, straightening up from her work. Surely that was his voice she heard? It sounded so anguished... But not in pain. He didn't sound as if he were hurt, but something bad had just happened.

The already quiet room fell completely silence, anxiety making the air thick and tense.

Not long after, Awase came in carrying limp Yaoyorozu piggy-back style. Shortly after that, Kendo arrived with Tetsutetsu and one of the villains.

Ten minutes after the yell, Aizawa stumbled into the building. He was unharmed, but he was carrying an unconscious student over one shoulder, another strapped to his back using his scarf, and was leading Kodai by her arm. Kodai had Shiozaki on her back.

Kodai immediately went to drop Shiozaki off, being welcomed back by her worried friends. Aizawa put the student he had been carrying over his shoulder down and then managed to get the one on his back down too. He sighed once it was done, leaning against the wall to catch his breath.

"Only Midoriya was seriously injured, as far as you know?" [name] asked quietly, approaching him. She shifted the still-sleeping Kota in her arms so that she could use her free hand to rub at her tired eyes.

Aizawa nodded, looking equally as exhausted. "But there's still a couple unaccounted for, if I'm counting right."

A quick shake of her head told him otherwise. "You're counting right. Six or seven from our class and about the same from Vlad's. I think most of it is because of that gas... They're probably passed out in the forest somewhere."

Worry consumed their thoughts, and although they stood close enough to each other that their shoulders were touching, they didn't speak anymore. It was comforting just to be near one another with the brunt of the battle over with.

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