ch. 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven;;- Gossip

Breakfast the next morning was a struggle for the students, as it was the day prior as well. Such nonstop training must be difficult, [name] was sure, but the early wake-up calls and late nights probably only made it worse.

Uraraka shoved a morsel of rice in her mouth, humming thoughtfully to the people who sat around her. "Ashido, you came in late last night. Are the remedial lessons hard?"

Ashido, clearly at least twice as exhausted as the other students that didn't have remedial lessons, sighed heavily. "They're not easy... And they went on until two in the morning!" She whined.

"Yeah..," Midoriya agreed softly. "I woke up when I heard the others come in. It sounds tough."

"You woke up, Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked, surprised. "Did you get enough sleep?"

Midoriya nodded quickly. "Yeah, I feel fine! But while I was trying to get back to sleep I heard [surname]-sensei and Aizawa-sensei talking in their room..." His eyes wandered over to the two of them, watching over the students as they ate their quick breakfast. "Do you think that they're getting enough sleep?"

"Huh..?" Kirishima also looked over at them. "[surname]-sensei didn't help out with the remedial lessons. What was she still doing up?"

"She was waiting up for Aizawa-sensei?!" Ashido squealed quietly, eyes sparkling at the piece of gossip. Her face lit up with a grin as she examined [name] and Aizawa. They were sitting at a separate table from all the students, and despite the entire table being empty, they still sat directly next to one another. They exchanged words occasionally, but they seemed to be mostly quiet.

"Hey, don't you think they've gotten closer lately?" She asked, turning her eyes back to the group she was sitting with.

Individually, each of them that had been paying attention to the conversation looked over at their teachers. Indeed, there was a certain degree of comfort that they now seemed to sit in. Before when they sat together at school or the like, there was more space between them and they always almost never really spoke. Now, if the students didn't know who they were, they could probably have mistaken the two adults as casual friends just hanging out.

"They do seem closer..," Uraraka finally said, breaking the shallow silence. "I wonder what that's about."

"On the contrary! It's none of our business and we shouldn't interfere with the personal matters of our teachers unless it directly involves us!" Iida scolded, making wild hand gestures.

Ashido opened her mouth to protest, but before she could get any words out, Mandalay shouted that there were only a couple minutes of breakfast left. Ashido grumpily let the conversation stop so that she could shove the rest of her food into her mouth before she lost it.

"They keep looking over at us," [name] murmured, glancing discreetly at the group that was sitting at the end of the table. "What do you think they did?"

Aizawa had noticed it too, pondering over what stupid shit they could have possibly done with adult supervision on them almost all the time. "Maybe they're talking about things they shouldn't be," he offered, shrugging.

She sighed softly. "Maybe, or they've done something catastrophically dumb and are trying to make sure we haven't noticed." Midoriya accidentally made eye contact and his face exploded into a blush, looking away quickly. "Nevermind, they're talking about something."

He set his elbow on the table, leaning forward to cup his cheek with his palm. "Wonder it is?" Aizawa asked, looking away from the students and over to [name] instead.

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