hi wattpad readers

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i mentioned it somewhere else in the story, but originally all of these chapters were written on quotev on a weekly basis until about a year and a half ago when updates suddenly became very sporadic. i went through a pretty difficult time in my life and writing fanfiction was something that just kind of fell out of my interests. 

i do plan on finishing the last three chapters of the story plus an epilogue i think i have planned, but i have no promises as to when that will be tbh. theyre planned and a vague idea is written out but i have a lot less time than i used to-- i study full time, work nearly full time, and admittedly spend a lot more time with my boyfriend than is necessary.

but! today is our one year anniversary and honestly i'm over the moon these days so :-) i'll hopefully be in the mood to write the rest soon lol

i'm not giving myself a time limit but it's only three or four chapters left so lol we'll see.

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