ch. 54

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a/n: rather awkward, abrupt switch to second person, because i'm writing my new story in second person and didn't notice i was writing in it until i was too far to be stopped. lol

Chapter Fifty Four;;- Logical Feelings

The wedding itself was rather uneventful. Though you caught a glimpse of your family sitting only a few rows away from you, they seemed to not notice that you were within their eyesight for the first time in four years.

However, you did see Elmer's fiance—or, wife as of the end of the ceremony—for the first time. Molly, as you learned she was named, was a beautiful woman with Slavic-European features and grey eyes, with silky hair that fell down to the small of her back in blonde waves. She filled out the wedding dress nicely, complimenting her full hourglass figure.

Kind of bored, you listened to the pastor drone on for a while, then came Elmer and Molly's turn to repeat something. Some near cringe inducing vows later, they finally exchanged the rings and a kiss.

Then came what you were really worried about: the reception. With all of the sappy words out of the way, people were heading inside to mingle with the other party's family and friends as they ate food and danced.

You and Aizawa found a seat in a corner of the room, away from where most of the people were. Feeling awkward, you smoothed out the fabric of the skirt you were wearing and settled back in your chair, glancing around the room.

Noticing your anxiety, Aizawa struggled to come up with something to say. Something that was comforting, but something within his comfort zone. When nothing came to mind, he decided any conversation would do. "Have you ever met his wife before?"

You looked over and shook your head. "No. Elmer said he met her at work though, so.. Not really a surprise." You shrugged nonchalantly. "It's kind of weird to see him married, especially when I can remember when he was still a little kid with stars in his eyes." A wistful smile crossed your lips and you glance back to Elmer, who was speaking with two people who resembled Molly enough that you assumed they were her parents.

"Have you ever thought about getting married?" Aizawa asked quietly, averting his eyes as he realized the question was a little weird. Movement from the corner of his eye made him steal a glance, only to see you looking away as well.

You paused for a long moment before finally answering. "No, not really." Simple as the answer was, you couldn't think of a way to expand on it, besides, "I never saw myself falling in love with someone."

Aizawa was a logical person. It made things easier in life, to dictate his decisions by his brain and not his heart. So, from a completely logical point of view, Aizawa had trouble believing that. Looking at you now, with your hair and makeup carefully done and dressed up a little bit more than usual, you were an attractive woman. It was hard to envision a world where absolutely no one had ever had feelings for you other than simple desire.

Although perhaps he was looking at you through the eyes of a friend. Someone who had seen how deeply caring you were for your students, or the complexity of the emotions that you never seemed to let on, especially concerning your rather rocky past. They had seen how strong you were in the face of danger and fear. They had seen your inexhaustible patience and kindness, your sincerity and...

Aizawa glanced back at you, fidgeting in your seat and adjusting the pin in your hair. The music got louder as Molly and her father shared the first dance, then Elmer and Molly's dance. With those usual customary dances done, the dance floor was opening up to some of the other couples present and willing. The soft lighting from the fairy lights strung around the room cast soft shadows on your face and he looked away before the tips of his ears turned pink.

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