ch. 6

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A/N: This chapter has a possible trigger warning. There is a scene in which the reader uses a blade against herself. It is not done in a toxic mindset and I, personally, would not consider it self-harm, but it could be possibly triggering for some readers. There will be an additional warning before and after the scene so that you know where to skip.

Chapter Six;;- Fighting

Two pinpoints of lights appeared in the black mist. "Thirteen... Eraserhead... and Pathogen, is it?" A voice sounded. The mist was someone's quirk, [name] began to piece together, and the owner of the voice. "According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here..."

[name] heard Aizawa mumble something next to here, but the adrenaline that pumped in her ears prevented her from paying any attention to it. She hoped it wasn't something important.

The one that had appeared first from the mist-- the one with the severed hands all over him-- remained by the mist, while the other villains spread out. "Where is he..? We've come all this way and brought so many playmates... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... Is he here?" His voice reminded [name] of a whiny child stuck in a grown man's body. Still, it managed to send chills down her spine. "I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?"

The students murmured among themselves, Yaoyorozu turning to Thirteen to inquire about the intruder sensors.

"Thirteen, you begin the evacuation and try calling the school." [name] pulled out a gas mask and a knife from the sides of her pants. "One of these villains must be jamming the sensors, so there's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference."

Aizawa nodded. "Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help." He put on his goggles and activated his quirk, his capture scarf flying up around him with his hair.

[name] handed Aizawa the gas mask. "So I can use airbornes," She explained before he could ask.

"Sensei, you can't fight them alone!" Midoriya protested. "Against that many... Even Aizawa-sensei can't nullify all of their quirks! As Eraserhead, your fighting style involves erasure and a quick binding capture, and as Pathogen, your fighting style is eventually weakness and heightened defense. Head-on battle with many people isn't..."

Aizawa glanced back, but returned his gaze to the villains after less than a second. "No good hero is a one-trick pony." He started to strap the gas mask to his face. Their opposing color schemes ([name]'s being dark red and black and Aizawa's being yellow and black) looked awkward once it was properly affixed to his face.

[name] looked at Midoriya and smiled gently. She shrugged. "Thirteen! Take good care of them."

Aizawa leaped down the stairs with his capture scarf flowing behind him, [name] trailing behind as she jumped down two or three stairs at a time. The villains below them taunted them as they drew closer.

As soon as their feet touched the level concrete in front of the stairs, [name] glanced back up at the students. They were still huddled together in front of the entrance. She cursed under her breath-- She had only given Aizawa a gas mask, she ran the risk of spreading any airborne pathogens to the students if she used any against the villains.

[name] gripped the knife tightly in her hands, recalling her training. She didn't often use her knives to actually fight since she considered it dirty and underhanded. [TRIGGER] Instead, she pressed the sharp side to her palm until blood welled up along the incision. She switched the knife in her hands, repeating the process until both of her palms and the blade was coated in slick blood. [TRIGGER END]

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