ch. 35

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Chapter Thirty Five;;- Into the Dorms, Part One; A Serious Chat

[name] collapsed an empty cardboard box and straightened again, wiping her forehead with a sigh of relief. That was the last of her things from her old apartment, all moved into the apartment provided by Yuuei.

They provided some of the furniture, since it was rushed so quickly, but [name] still had to take a lot of her stuff for convenience sake. The teacher's apartment came equipped with a bed and mattress, an armchair and couch, and a coffee table. The rest of the furniture that she may have wanted was up to her to acquire. So, [name] brought her nightstands, a desk, and a dresser. Aside from basic electronics and the decorations from her apartment, the only other things she needed was the stuff for her cats (which she had to have special permission to have on the school campus and she only got because she had no family or friends in the country to dump them on).

It didn't take long for her to set up her stuff, since she didn't really have all that much. She was nowhere near a minimalist (since she had a habit of picking up things she liked) but she had never been a perfectionist either, so decorations were rather haphazardly set up.

When someone came through the front door, they stepped into the living room. It was connected to the kitchen with an archway on the wall adjacent to the one the front door was on. Across from the front door was a door leading to a bathroom and a door leading to a bedroom. The living room was furnished with the couch and two armchairs across from the coffee table with a TV on it. Her desk with her computer and other papers on it was pushed against the wall between the doors to the bathroom and bedroom. Little knickknacks that [name] owned were over the coffee table and kitchen counters. The cat tree was shoved onto the blank wall by the kitchen archway. On the wall in the living room was a 5-5 painting of a nighttime sky with a big full moon. There were some initials in the very corner of the painting, but someone who didn't know what they said would have a hard time trying to decipher them.

The bedroom had the queen sized bed in the middle, a nightstand on either side of it. The nightstands also had little trinkets on it, one had a lamp and the other an alarm clock. Hanging on the wall across from the bed was another clock above the dresser, which had some candles and a small plant on it. A wicker laundry hamper was beside the dresser.

The bathroom definitely had the least decorating in it, a rug went on the floor and [name] had a few small novelties that went on the counter by the soap and stuff, but other than that it was just a normal bathroom.

Not long after she finished, there was a knock at the semi-ajar front door. [name] didn't really see the point in closing it when everyone else was getting moved in at the same time, too, and she trusted everyone. Only Weird Bug might run out if the door was all the way open, so there wasn't too much trouble with the cats.

[name] opened the door the rest of the way up, pushing WB back with her foot when he tried to dart out. She smiled seeing Aizawa's usual, unkempt appearance there. "Hi, Aizawa," She greeted, pushing WB back again before leaning and picking him up before he could attempt another escape.

Aizawa's eyes lingered on the cat in her arms before wandering around the apartment behind her and watching the other two cats that were situated on the cat tree. "I was checking to see who my neighbors were," He explained after giving [name] a curt wave.

"Oh, so we're neighbors?" She asked. She opened her mouth to say something else when there was a jingle behind her and [name] suddenly shoved WB in Aizawa arms and dropped to her knees, stopping Bebus directly in her path for the front door. She stood, now with the chubby, hairless cat mewling in her arms. "Sorry, Bebus is mad at me for making her move."

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