News Article

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Dipper and Y/N's Age: 13

Dipper's POV:

Today, a news anchor and a few interviewers are gonna be coming to talk about how I saved the world last summer. I'm personally not into that stuff, so I'm probably just gonna read my journal while Mabel and Ford do all the talking.

"DIPPER!", Mabel yells from downstairs.

I sigh, fixing my hat one last time since I'm gonna be on television. I gotta impress the ladies out there... Wait, who am I kidding? No hot chick has ever heard of Gravity Falls, let alone heard of the Gravity Falls news.

I walk downstairs and see three cameras all in my face, and the interviewers all bombard me with the most annoying questions.

I try my best to answer them but the interviewers keep cutting me off and I forget where I was going with the answer.

"Dipper Pines, who is the better twin?!"

"Dipper, do you actually believe the monsters you fight are real?!"

"Dipper, will you someday overthrow all the monster of the world?!"

I stutter and back away, "I- Uhm..."

"Guys, stop it!", I hear a booming voice ring out. All of the interviewers stop dead in there tracks and they make room for the girl who yelled.

I look to see this really... REALLY pretty H/C girl who is about my age, come with a clipboard and a coffee. "Okay, what did I say about doing junk like that?!"

The interviewers and cameraman turn off their equipment and sigh, "Not to bombard the celebrity..."

She sighs, "That's right. It's not everyday we have people like them in this hoedown dump of a town."

The interviewers mumble and scoff in response. She grabs a microphone and turns it back on and the girl looks at me. "I apologize for their RUDE behavior. I will be conducting the interviewing from now on if you don't mind!"

I nod with a blush painted on my face,"Y-Yeah, that's okay."

She smiles, "Okay, wonderful! And like I said before, I'm really sorry for their behavior.", she turns to the camera men, "Roll."

They turn on their camera and face me, "Uhm... Okay. So, where s-should I start?", I try to act casual, having my arm resting on the wall and my chest puffed.

She giggles, "It's okay! Just be yourself and casual!", I blush a little more and stop with the cringey pose. "So, may we start from the beginning? What were your thoughts when you first found out about the secrets of Gravity Falls?"


After only what feels like minutes through time, I finish my last question. She finishes giggling and asks the men to lower the cameras, "Okay, well. I think this covered everything! Why don't you guys take 10.", she snaps and the cameramen and ex-interviewers walk away.

I twiddle my fingers and try to hide my blush, "D-Did I do good? I don't know, i-it was my first time doing something like this."

She turns back to me and her hair waves as her head turns so gracefully, "You were wonderful, Dipper."

I giggle softly, "T-Thanks...", Y/N smiles. Then, she sighs and grabs her coffee, and sits on the steps next to me. "What's the matter?"

She stretches out her body which pops a few bones, "Sometimes, I just hate doing this. Like, being the boss of a news anchor at 13 is hard for anyone."

She looks away and I tilt my head towards her, "Then, why do you do it?"

She shrugs, "Parents. They're the owners of the entire news station in Oregon. So, they placed me into the Gravity Falls news anchor and basically forced me."

I yawn and sit closer to her, "Yeah, I guess even watching you get me tired."

She giggles and sips her warm coffee, looking at Mabel having fun with Wendy. Poor girl. She probably hasn't played with kids her age in a long long time. "You know. I hate this dump."

I break out of my thoughts, "W-What?"

"I hate it out here. Nothing news worthy other than the typical hot shot that comes by who turns out to be evil in the end.", she scoffs. "Well, until I met you and your sister."

"Huh? Really?"

She smiles, "Yeah! I mean. You guys are actually happy and proud of what you do! You two don't go around forcing everyone to respect you, you're like everyone else. And I really... really like that."

I blush, "O-Oh."

She looks back at me and grabs a marker from her clipboard. "Gimme your hand.", and I give it to her. She places it on her thigh and writes a phone number and a name on there. "Here. Since, you don't even know my name. And since I want to go out somewhere with you."

I examine the beautiful penmanship on my hand, with the ink seeping through my skin, "W-Wow! Thank you! I'll be sure to call you!"

She giggles, "I'm glad!"

We stay silent for a while, but not an awkward silence. It was a silence that spoke a lot of words, and her smile was brighter than ever. She looks at the clock and gasps, "Oh wow, look at the time. I have to go!"

She quickly gets up and I quickly rush out for her, "W-Wait!",


She turns around and gives me a confused look and I grab her hand, letting the ink go onto her skin as well. "I-I..."

She giggles, "I think you need another note.", I look at my hand and the message is already smeared. She grabs the same marker, only this time she pulls my forehead down and brushes off my hair.

She writes it down on my forehead and giggles softly, "What's so funny?", I ask.


"Pfft... N-Nothing nothing! J-Just look up you're interview on the website. Make sure to watch the whoooole thing !"


I go onto my laptop and look up 'Gravity Falls News Website', and only one link came up. It was my news article... God, I look so dorky.

I look at the corner of the screen and see Y/N's contact information there too, so that's good. I watch the entire video, mostly cutting to the scenes where Y/N is talking or asking a question. I look to see the video about to end, and it shows a different camera angle.

It was a cameraman from a distance, recording Y/N write on my forehead. Oh right! I didn't even check the phone number or anything like that!

I rush up to the mirror while the laptop was playing on the sink. I brush off my hair and see a totally different message...

I hear from the laptop Y/N laughing at me after she wrote the message on my forehead. I look to see the same message on my head while I ask, "What's so funny?", before the video ends.

I take a good look at the message and smile.

"I love you too, Y/N."

Dipper X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now