Facade Part: 1

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A/N: This story may be a little familiar because it's sort of based on my favorite video game franchise (Ace Attorney), just with Gravity Falls twists. Trust me, if you find the characters odd, don't worry :))

A/A/N: IM SORRY IF IT GETS CONFUSING FOR YOU (Defendant- the one getting blamed, Victim- the one that got hurt, Prosecution- the one trying to get the defendant guilty, Defense- the one trying to get the defendant not guilty, Witness- the one/ones that inform everyone about what happened, Judge- the one that makes the overall decision on either guilty or not guilty)

Dipper and Y/N's Age: 17

~Dipper's POV:~

I've been dating this girl named Y/N for an entire year now, and let me tell you, she's absolutely amazing! I love her so much, and she loves me too! We both have perfect chemistry and we have grown on each other so much, that we practically tell everything to each other!

Even though Y/N is super shy, I know that she loves me!

When I say she's shy, I mean she's reaalllyyy shy. She always asks me for the bottle necklace she gave me as a gift when we first met, but I always decline because I just know it's her being shy. She also asks for my journals, probably because she's interested in what I do, which is why I am going to lend her them for a little bit today. 

I don't have a worry in the world, because she's my Y/N, and she would never do anything to hurt me!

I walk to her doorstep, which is a nice cottage with tons of lovely flowers and vines around the small shack. I shove my journals into my duffle bag and ring the doorbell.

"Coming!~", sings a pretty, light voice that I know a little too well. She opens the door, wearing her signature pink and white dress that matches her umbrella and veil-like scarf. 

(A/N: These are your clothes and accessories

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(A/N: These are your clothes and accessories... If you know who this is though, you can maybe guess where the story is going.)

The smell of flowers beams as she opens the door and greets me, "Dippy!~", she smiles brightly.

"N/N!" I greet her while putting my bag to my side so she can wrap her arms around mine. We stay like this for a while, until she pulls back, and shows her beautiful smile at me which melts me. 

"What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?", she sweetly smiles, looking confused.

"Well, do you...maybe want to go on a little date today? It's rainy weather, just how you like it! Maybe a rainbow will appear!", I gleam.

She smiles and takes my hand, "I would love to!"

We walk hand in hand, her other hand is holding her umbrella to keep her from being soaked in this weather, and my other hand holds the duffle bag containing the journals. We walk and talk about our future together, and how happy we are together. We meet up at a field of flowers so Y/N can take photos with them for her album, then we head back. 

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