Looking At The Dipper

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Y/N's and Dipper's Age: 15

Dipper's POV:

My friend Y/N has an attic at her house that we always chill in if we need breaks from society or the monsters in Gravity Falls. It's a really pretty attic with a lot of different astronomy charts and pretty star lights and whatnot. It's the ideal place to get away from all of the stress!

When I first saw our hangout spot, I was a little surprised because Y/N doesn't seem like the person that would have a room like...this? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's amazing! But, Y/N is definitely not a calm person.

She is very... rough. And tough.

The way we met was I got attacked, and she was my savior that attacked a mob of gnomes with her bare hands. I was mortified... but she was so beautiful while doing it. We became friends after that and she's been our kick-ass female of the group. Sorry Wendy.

I guess everyone is scared of her when it comes to her being out in public. Most people won't even talk to her in fear of getting clobbered. Of course, Y/N didn't like this reputation so she made a chill zone so she could take her anger and sadness out.

"So Dip, you finished with that astronomy book I lent you?", she asks while punching her punching bag, it's practically flying around with each blow it gets.

I snap out of my flashback and turn my head towards her, "Huh? O-Oh yeah!" I stutter. I get out of the comfy chair and blankets, then grab the book out of my bag and put it in the book shelf.

"Thanks!", she responds with. Her sweat dripping down her face disappears as she wipes it off with her swelling hands. She shakes her hands and wipes her face with a cool cloth from the mini fridge. "How'd you think the book was?"

I smile while getting comfy in my seat again, "It was supper in-depth and fascinating! I'm surprised something like that book exists!"

She smiles back, "Well I'm glad you liked it."

"I think my favorite was, unsurprisingly, the Big and Little Dipper. They were just... so detailed and really just more outstanding than the others! Don't you think?"

She laughs a little, "Definitely." Which was really weird for me to hear. Even if we've been friends for a few weeks, I don't think I've ever heard her laugh. Y/N walks over and grabs the same book from the shelf and gives it to me again, "Here, why don't you look at them a few more times before you go."

I take the book and she walks over to open her curtains and look through the telescope. I'm glad that someone else is into astronomy and astrology like me, it's another thing that makes us a great duo. I take another peak at the book and notice something that I didn't see before. It was a little message that said 'Bookshelf 1, Book 24'.

What? Is this code for something? I take a look at Y/N but she's too focused on the stars to pay attention. My eyes catch on the book shelf's which were labeled 1, 2, and 3 for different topics to read on. I go to the first bookshelf and count 24 in my head, then I see a sketchbook that was unfamiliar to me.

I'm sure I go through these shelves also the time when I'm ready for another good reading session, but this sketchbook was never here before... I grab it and sit back in my seat before opening to the first page.

It was both the Big and Little Dipper painted onto the paper. It looked almost identical to the one in the book, "Y/N, did you draw this?!" I exclaim, but she didn't respond.

I flip to the next pages which were all of the doodles from the book that I lent. They were so detailed and fine, it was almost like I was staring at the real starry sky.

I flipped the page and I saw something I was even more familiar with. It was... me. They were extremely detailed sketches of me with my birthmark showing, and it reading on the bottom 'The Dipper <3'

It was signed by her, and so were all of the other drawings, and I could help but stare at myself in awe of how amazing it looked. My color scheme, the proportions with my big head were spot on, the starry sky above me, and my birthmark just barely showing.

"Y-Y/N, I didn't know you drew this good?!", I yell. She looks at me with a blush rising from her cheeks, then scoffs.

"I-It's nothing.", she huffs while looking back through telescope.

I open the lens book again and notice the same signature from the sketchbook was in the book that I had just gave back to her! "Wait, did you- did you draw EVERYTHING IN THIS BOOK?!", I scream while flipping my lid.

She laughs again, "Well, yeah I guess you could say that. I drew that stuff since I was in diapers, so I made that book to show them off."

I stay there, absolutely astounded at what I am hearing. She laughs at my inability to speak which just makes me more speechless.

She breaks her laughs and sits next to me, "Hey uh... You wanna know my favorite stars in the universe?"

I nod slowly.

"Well, there's the stars that make up the Big Dipper, the ones that make up the little Dipper, and..." She takes a strong look into my eyes, "The star that makes the Dipper."

I sit there still speechless, "I... Y-Y/N" I smile. "That was too sweet...", I say with sincerity flowing from my voice.

She quickly gets up and clears her throat, "Yeah, yeah. Enough with that yucky felling type shit, I'm not gonna take my eye of the jewels in the sky anymore."

A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! School had been crazy recently and I'm getting prepared for a lot of trips and whatnot, it's brutal, BUT I PROMISE I WILL GET MORE ONE-SHOTS DONE!

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