Facade Part: 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of Facade, so it won't make sense if you have skipped to this chapter, BTW THIS IS REALLY LONG AHHHHH

Dipper and Y/N's Age: 17

~Dipper's POV:~

I see her beautiful veil sway softly as she walks into the courtroom, with her umbrella following her trail. The whole courtroom is silent as she steps onto the witness stand, and she looks at everyone, filled with emotion.

"N/N!!!", I scream. She looks at me, then shyly looks away.

The judge gawks at her from his seat, "I-In my long career as a judge, I have been deceived by many witnesses. It's my job to doubt; to take no one at their word... But in your case, I must admit that you radiate a glow of complete sincerity."

"May the witness please state their name and occupation for the court?", Northwest interrupts.

She looks to the ground, slightly gripping her umbrella, "I... Uhm..."

"Don't worry, sweetie. There's no need to be nervous! If anyone says anything rude, you can be sure, I'll cut them right down to size!", Northwest yells.

"And I will bash them with my gavel!", the judge adds.

Y/N laughs softly, "Thank you... for calming my nerves. You are all so nice... I almost feel right at home.", she smiles gracefully at us all.

Ford scoffs, "If we may move on now... What is your full name and occupation?"

"My name is Y/N L/N... And I will be a junior in high school this coming year. I just wanted to say how happy I am to be at your noble presence.", she gleams.

(A/N: This is 'pretend you', see what they mean by how pure you look :))

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(A/N: This is 'pretend you', see what they mean by how pure you look :))

"...Umm. Sir?", she practically whispers.

Northwest immediately takes action, "Is there something I can help you with?! You just go on and say whatever is on your mind!"

"I'm sure that there must be some kind of mistake. Dippy wouldn't kill anyone. I just know it!"

The judge thinks, "Yes, yes... I can see why you'd say that. Please proceed with your testimony. Let's hear about what you witnessed on the day of the incident if you please."


"I had been planning to go back to my place with Dippy after I was done taking pictures."
"Dippy and Stan... They were talking near the meadow."
"Then suddenly... Stan got all wobbly and just collapsed!"
"That's when my Dippy noticed that I was there."
"I went to go and find some others and they called the authorities."

The judge exclaims, "I-I don't know what to say! According to you, Ms. L/N ...the defendant didn't do anything wrong!"

Northwest slams his hands on the desk, then quickly regains his composure, "Y-Young lady. As old as I am, even I recall how hot the flames of young passion can burn. Nevertheless... It is my job to discover the truth. Please, tell us the truth..."

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