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Dipper and Y/N's Age: 19

~Y/N's POV:~

It's 3 A.M. in the morning and Dipper and I are sitting on the roof, just chilling and drinking lemonades. Everything is so nice right now, I don't think I would ever want it to change. It's the perfect temperature, we are laughing and having a blast, and even better, I get to hang out with my crush.

Yeah... He's my crush, but I think I keep it to myself pretty well. I'm usually surprisingly confident in my acting, and I don't even show it.

"Yeah, so that's what happened 7 years ago.", Dipper finishes. He was just telling me about his encounter with a really dangerous demon and the possibility of the Earth being destroyed those very few days.

"Damn, imagine if I came here 7 years earlier."

He laughs and takes another sip of lemonade before resting on his back. I rest my hands behind me, leaning backward, so my hands are the only thing keeping me from following Dipper. I start to wonder if this is the perfect time to confess, I mean, he's right here!

"You know, Y/N...", he starts, all of the sudden going quiet. I look down at him and suddenly, I don't feel so confident anymore. "I wish you were here 7 years ago. I mean, you were the girl I really needed back then. Like, I remember once I was so desperate, that actually followed Stan's advice to get girls, and it almost turned into World War III!"

I start laughing while taking a small sip of my lemonade, "Did you at least learn your lesson?"

"Well no, because like 2 years later, I dated Pacifica. I still am technically."

I choked and spat all of my lemonade out of my mouth in complete shock, feeling my heart basically twist. "Wait, w-what..?", I asked, I think I sounded sorrowful, even though I didn't mean to.

"Well, we hate each other and never see each other, that's true. But, we never officially broke up."

"...", I try to say something but nothing comes out of my mouth. Dipper looks at me confused so I force something out, "W-Wow. T-That's crazy..", I say with as much enthusiasm as possible.

My fake confidence literally went from 100 to 0 so quick, I can barely speak without stuttering!

"Did I upset you?", Dipper asks worriedly. He probably notices my sudden lack of confidence too.

I shake my head and look away from him, "No. No, I-I'm fine. I just got suddenly really t-tired.", I pretend to yawn, just to make it seem that much more convincing.

He looks at me like I have three heads, "Y/N, I don't think I've ever heard you...", he tries to find the words. "I've never heard you stutter."

I turn my head around so he can't look me in the eyes, "I-I don't know what's going on, I just got really t-tired or something..."

"But, even if that were true, you wouldn't stutter about it. Like I said before, you never stutter.", Dipper sits up and leans a little close to me, his steaming red face practically glowing.

"W-Why are you so red, Dipper?", I ask while being a little frightened. He touches my cheek, which was probably really red too, and pulled my head towards his a little.

"I-I-... Let me just do this.", he murmurs before closing the space between us with a long, soft kiss.

You know when in the movies, the couple closes their eyes and wrap their arms around each other with a long sweet kiss.

Yeah... I didn't do that.

When Dipper pulled away, he looked scared, "W-Wait, i-is that not what you wanted?!"

I stay silent, still feeling the softness of his aroma over mine. I miss it.

"Y/N, I-I'm so so so sorry!"

"Dipper, what t-the hell... Y-You...", as I was thinking what to say, Dipper kisses me again.

He seems a bit more hungry now, as if I've given him permission or something else to be flustered about it.

I shove him off of me, which probably wasn't a good idea because we were high on the roof, "D-Dipper! Enough!"

He looks at me with shock, then it quickly turns to regret, "I-I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me... I-I've been wanting to do that for years.", I murmur. Dipper stares at me like he wants to kiss me again, his mouth a little open. "You should be saying sorry to P-Pacifica..."

"I don't love her."

I turn my head towards him, getting angry, "Then why are you dating her?!"

"I- Y/N! I- You- You don't..."

"I don't? I don't what?"

He sighs and giggles uncomfortably, "You don't have an ounce of snarky confidence in you. You are confident in such a humble and amazing way, Pacifica is just... bratty. B-But now, your stutter... It- It..."

Dipper yells in anger then slams his lips into mine way harder than before. His lips practically feed off of mine and I decide to give in and my lips try to keep up with his.

His body falls on top of mine and he lays on top of me, still hungry.

After what feels like hours on making out, he pulls of apart and tries to slide off my pants.

"D-Dipper! W-What's gotten i-into you?!", I stutter out with breathy moans.

He licks his lips and whispers in my ear, "Your beautiful stutter..."

I whimper in response as he locks his hips onto mine, feeling a bulge in between my legs.



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