Chapter 42: Disclosures

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"Are you nervous, Jung Sook?" Soo Yeon murmured anxiously.

The older girl smiled at her. "I am not."

"You're not?" she breathed in surprise.

Shaking her head, Jung Sook smiled reassuringly at the younger girl. "No. You must remember that I have been through this once before." She paused. "And not at all like today."

"What do you mean?" queried Soo Ho's sister.

His bride sighed. "Soo Ho is the complete opposite of my first husband. Where Dong Nam was hard, your brother is soft. Where my husband was unkind, Soo Ho is sweet."

"Sweet? My brother? Are we talking about the same person?" Soo Yeon cried out in disbelief.

"Indeed, we are. Your brother is the absolute best of men. I never feel safer than when I'm with him." She smiled. Completely at peace today. Except for one thing.

"Your husband was horrible?" Soo Yeon suddenly whispered.

Jung Sook nodded.

"I am so sorry."

"Oh! It's all right. He made me appreciate Soo Ho's sweetness."

The younger girl frowned. "Still, I wish you'd never met the horrid man."

"Me too," Jung Sook admitted. She shuddered. But then she put him far from her mind. "But I am not going to think of that man today. I shall think of your adorable brother instead."

"Adorable?" Soo Yeon wrinkled her own adorable brow. "How on earth can you find my brother adorable?"

"Quite easily, I do assure you. Rather the way that you can find Ban Ryu adorable, I bet."

Soo Yeon giggled. "Ban Ryu is completely adorable. Especially when I shock him." She snickered. "Which is so easy to do. He's such a prude."

"Soo Yeon!" Jung Sook exclaimed, shocked by her friend's characterization of her beloved.

"What? The boy never even would have kissed me if I hadn't instigated things."

"He just respects you, that's all."

Soo Yeon sighed. "I guess so. But...I, well, I suppose you're not suffering from the same nerves that I am."

Jung Sook furrowed her brow. "About?"

"Tonight." Soo Yeon cleared her throat. "I mean, you've already been married, so you know what to expect."

Another shudder erupted. Jung Sook hadn't been going to remember her first wedding night. But here Soo Yeon was...stirring up old memories again. Bitter ones.

Jung Sook had absolutely no idea what to expect. Only what not to expect. She did not expect Soo Ho to abuse her. Or to revile her. Or to belittle her. Or to blame her for his own inadequacies.

But now that his sister had brought it up, Jung Sook had to face it squarely. She was very nervous about tonight. Simply because she didn't know what to expect. Except...pain. But, surely, it couldn't be as bad as a man's foot in her ribs had been. And she was certain that Soo Ho would be as tender as possible with her.

Soo Yeon studied her pale face for a few moments. "Jung Sook, what's wrong?"

Her friend blinked. "I'm nervous too," she admitted.

"You are?" Astonishment was clearly written in the younger girl's tone. "But...why?"

Her soon-to-be sister-in-law met her gaze. "Because I'm a virgin too," she whispered.

"What?!" Soo Yeon jumped off the bed. "You're a virgin?!" Shock blanketed her features. " is that possible?"

"It just is. I don't wish to discuss the particulars with you. But...I can assure you. It is true."

Soo Yeon sat down again. "Wow. I had no idea." She glanced up at Jung Sook. "Does my brother know?"

The young teacher nodded. "He does. Soo Ho knows everything."

Soo Yeon's lips tipped upwards into a smile. "You really adore my brother, don't you?"

Jung Sook nodded.

"I'm glad. I'm glad that he found someone to make him happy."

"Oh, I can't make him happy. But I can love him, and that I promise to do."

"You can't make him happy? What do you mean?"

Jung Sook quirked her right eyebrow. "Can you make Ban Ryu happy?"

"Of course, I..." The younger girl's voice trailed off. "I...I don't know."

She thought back on all the times that she had clearly not made him happy.

"I guess you're right. Sometimes, he is happy with me. And sometimes, he is not. But one thing is always true."

"What's that?"

"I love him."

"Another thing is true too."

"What's that?"

Jung Sook smiled at her. "He loves you."

"That he does," Soo Yeon beamed. "That he does. And that is why I'm marrying him today."

And her happiness felt complete. In this moment, at least. True love had won out against all the odds. Their love had held out against her father's disapproval of their match, his conspiracy to marry her to another, Ban Ryu's familial disgrace, and his near-death.

They had overcome much to speak their vows to each other today. So she'd best get ready to make herself the most beautiful bride that she could be. After all, Ban Ryu deserved such a prize. He was the noblest groom she could find. And she couldn't wait to call herself his wife.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin