Chapter 14: An Affectionate Embrace

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Meanwhile, Jung Sook was waiting eagerly to see her beloved when he finally walked into his room. Pouting.

"The doctor would not allow me to stay with Ban Ryu. He insisted that I come here. And rest."

"Soo Ho!" His mother flew across the room to him. "Quite right!" She glanced down at the bandage on his arm. And frowned. "Come. Lie down in your bed."

"Eomma! I would like to take a bath first."

"A bath?" That startled woman glanced up into his eyes.

He nodded. "I haven't been able to properly clean this wound since I was hurt. And the rest of my body is grimy."

"I will have a bath drawn for you, Soo Ho. But I don't think you should get your arm wet until the doctor has looked at it. Are you...can you hold it outside of the tub if I send a servant to help you bathe?"

He rolled his eyes. "I am not a child, Eomma. I can bathe with one hand. Or..." his eyes slid towards his beloved, "Jung Sook can stay and help me."

"Soo Ho!" his mother instantly huffed. "I can see that you are just fine!" She shook her head in exasperation. "You're not married to the girl yet, you mischievous thing." She turned towards his fiancé. "I swear this boy hasn't aged a day since he turned ten years old!"

Jung Sook smiled and stepped forward. "Are you truly all right, Soo Ho?" she whispered.

He grinned down at her as his free arm snaked around her. He snagged her and drew her close. "I missed you, my love."

Then he bent his head and soundly kissed her. In front of both his mother and her charge. The little girl beamed up at them.

"Really, Soo Ho!" his mother cheerfully rebuked him. "In front of the child?"

"Absolutely, Eomma," he responded as he reluctantly removed his lips from Jung Sook's. "Every child needs to see what a loving relationship looks like."

Lady Bit Na sobered as she glanced down at Bo A.

Especially this child.

"You're really okay, Oppa Soo Ho?" that child queried softly.

He smiled down at her. "I will be as fit as a fiddle in no time!"

"Is it true that you have to get stitches?" her tiny voice quavered.

He gulped. "Lord! I hope not!"

She frowned in distress.

So he quickly covered his own. "But if I do," he announced with bravado, "I shall face it fearlessly!"

She bobbed her head and pasted a smile on her face. For his sake.

"But right now, you need a bath, my love," Jung Sook murmured.

He grinned naughtily down at her. "Care to stay with me?"

She slapped him playfully on his shoulder. "Soo Ho! Really! And in front of Bo A!"

"What? The girl knows I adore you," he murmured cheerfully.

Then he glanced around the room. "Where did Eomma go?"

"To call a servant to draw you a bath, I presume."

"Hmm. Oh. Bo A, can you head to the kitchen and have them prepare some snacks for me?" Soo Ho asked, simply to distract the child.

She bobbed her head and ran to do his bidding.

"At long last," he grinned. "I am finally alone with my beloved."

He bent his head and brushed his lips sweetly across Jung Sook's. She melted against him for a few delightful moments. But then a knock sounded on the door.

"Master Soo Ho? I have your water," announced a servant.

And that young master sighed. He gazed regretfully down at Jung Sook. "Are you sure that you won't stay with me?"

She shook her head. "Soo Ho, you are quite naughty." But she was grinning up at him.

"I come by it honestly. Have you ever met my appa?" he asked cheekily.

"Your appa?!" She burst out laughing. "You must be joking!"

"I am not," he sounded affronted. "He is quite the flirt. At least, around Eomma anyway."

"How utterly delightful," she murmured. Right before she brushed another quick kiss against his lips. "I must let you bathe. But I will return later. To sit with you while you get your stitches."

He grimaced. "If I must."

"I am just thankful you are all right. God bless Ban Ryu," she breathed.

"Indeed. And see him safely through this night."

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now