Chapter 31: That Irresistible Love

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Lord Kim Seub waited to visit Ban Ryu until the moon had risen high over the earth. And Soo Yeon had fallen asleep on her yo bed in the corner of his room. Her father replaced her mother in the chair next to Ban Ryu's bed. As Lady Bit Na fled the room after kissing her husband hello, Ban Ryu turned his attention on the older gentleman. And wondered how the noble lord was going to punish him for claiming his daughter's lips with his own. But the man's softly uttered remark shocked him to his toes a moment later.

"You're going to have to marry her now, you know."

The nobleman startled him with those unexpected words.

"What?" Ban Ryu gasped, all his defenses suddenly blown away.

"You have compromised my daughter. Lying in a bed with her. All alone in your bedchamber. Just the two of you. Her eomma caught you kissing, but who's to say that more did not occur?"

"On my honor, my lord, I swear nothing else occurred!" Ban Ryu snapped to attention.

Lord Kim Seub speared him with a piercing glare. Reminding Ban Ryu of the sword thrust that had separated his muscle from his bone. "If word of this leaks, her reputation will be in tatters. And who will marry her then?"

Ban Ryu blinked. And blanched as the truth of her father's words penetrated his heart.

The mighty lord – and offended father – studied him carefully for several quiet seconds. "You will marry my daughter, son. As soon as you are well."


Why did this man keep calling him son?

Ban Ryu blinked again, unable to take in this strange turn of events. "But you hate me," he finally breathed sadly.

The nobleman's gaze continued to peruse his face in silent contemplation for many interminable moments. Finally, he spoke.

"I do not hate you."

Ban Ryu gazed up at him in consternation. "I do not understand," he finally admitted.

Lord Kim Seub tugged his chair forward, closing the distance between them. Until his knees bumped the bed. He took a deep breath. Preparing to spill a secret that no one else knew.

He darted a glance at his slumbering daughter. And listened for her tell-tale snore. He wasn't disappointed. It broke the air softly. He sighed in relief. Before turning his full attention back to the young man lying wounded in his guest chamber.

"Your presence here of late has reminded me of something I tried very hard to forget."

He paused as his daughter's words floated back up from the surface of his memory.

"Have you no heart? Were you never in love, Appa? With a girl you could not have?"

Lord Kim Seub sighed. Finally, he opened his mouth again to untether his deepest secret.

"I loved your mother."

Ban Ryu's eyes grew wide as they studied the older gentleman's face. He lay, shocked, staring in bewilderment up at the austere lord.

"When she...and I...were very young. Even younger than you and Soo Yeon."

Lord Kim Seub ceased speaking and drew another long breath. "But then she was promised to your father. So...I lost her."

He was quiet for a few moments as Ban Ryu's heart worked furiously to absorb these strange words. Then that quiet voice began to speak again, filling his ears with more astounding words.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now