Chapter 26: Unexpected

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Later that afternoon, Lady Bit Na convinced her daughter to take a turn in the gardens behind their house. "You need some sunshine. You have been cooped up in this house with an invalid for nearly two weeks. You need sun as much as you need food. Now you will either take a maid and go out yourself, or I will leave the maid with Ban Ryu and escort you myself."

Soo Yeon had caved in to her mother's pressure and left with the maid.

A few moments after the door closed behind her daughter, Lady Bit Na turned towards him. "I hope you do not mind, Ban Ryu. I set you up. My husband wishes to speak with you. Alone. So I'm going to give you gentlemen a few minutes to talk."

Just then, the door opened, and that fine gentleman stepped into the bedchamber. He bowed to his wife before kissing her on the cheek. Then she disappeared through the open doorway, and Lord Kim Seub claimed the empty chair that she had left behind.

After seating himself, he stared at Ban Ryu. But that young gentleman was surprised to disturb something unexpected in his gaze. It looked like...respect.

"I have come to make you an offer," the older man finally spoke after several silent moments.

Ban Ryu cleared his throat as he ruffled his brow. "An offer?"

"I have decided to give you the favor that you requested from me several months ago."

The young man simply stared at him.

"I am willing to adopt you as my son," the nobleman admitted graciously.

Ban Ryu just blinked. And determined that he must be moving through another dream. So he smiled at the man and asked, "Have you seen your daughter today, my lord?"

Confused, Lord Kim Seub frowned. "No. I have not. But this has nothing to do with her."

"I am dreaming, am I not, my lord?"

His brow clearing, the older man responded, "You are not, Ban Ryu. I want to make you my son."

Ban Ryu studied him for a few moments. "Why? Is it because of Soo Ho? If it is, you owe me nothing, my lord."

"It is not because of Soo Ho," he replied evenly to the young invalid.

"Is it because I am injured? Are you afraid that I shall be lame and unable to fend for myself?"

That fear had assailed Ban Ryu more than once already.

"It is not," Lord Kim Seub declared firmly.

"You have me at a disadvantage, my lord," Ban Ryu finally spoke stiffly. "I cannot fathom why on earth you would adopt me now when you would not have me all those months ago."

"Do you need to understand my motives in order to accept my offer?"

Ban Ryu considered him. "My lord, you are most gracious."

A tear invaded the young man's eye. Embarrassed, he tried to blink it away. But the pesky thing rolled down his cheek instead. Frustrated, he lifted his hand and wiped it ruthlessly off his skin.

"But I do not deserve such kindness. In fact," he cleared his throat again. It seemed that a boulder had lodged itself within the narrow confines of that space in the last couple of minutes. "I have been thinking. I do not think it is a good idea for me to occupy your house any longer. The longer I stay here, the more Soo Yeon suffers. She is unlikely to forget me when I am under the same roof as she. Indeed! Occupying the same room.

"I can find somewhere else to stay today. Perhaps Ah Ro's appa would allow me to stay with him. He is, after all, a doctor. What better care could I have than his attention?"

Perplexed, Lord Kim Seub stared in consternation at the young man. This conversation was not going at all as he had expected. Or envisioned.

"I do not understand you."

"You were right to refuse me, my lord. I was impertinent. I should never have asked you for such a favor. Please. Forgive me." He drew himself up and leaned back against the wall. "My lord, I am sorry. But my leg is paining me right now. Would you mind if I lie down?"

Alarmed, Lord Kim Seub stood up and hovered over the young man. "No! Not at all! Do you need some assistance?"

At the compassion in his voice, Ban Ryu felt tears stinging his eyes again. No man had ever spoken to him in such a tender tone before. He had no defense against it. Nor did he have any idea how to respond to such gentleness.

"No, no. I can do it myself." He slid down into the bed. Grimacing the whole way.

"Should I call for the doctor?" Soo Yeon's concerned appa queried.

Ban Ryu's eyes flew open, and that noble gentleman then saw the tears shining in his gaze. "No. I am fine. I just need to rest." His eyes shut again, and he took a deep breath.

"I will leave you...son." A pause. "But this conversation is far from over," Lord Kim Seub spoke softly. Yet firmly.

He moved across the room. Then he stopped. "I do not wish to leave you alone. I will wait until my daughter returns. But I will not disturb you. Go ahead and sleep if you can."

Ban Ryu kept his eyes sealed tightly shut. To prevent the tears from escaping to slide down his face. "Thank you, my lord," he whispered.

Then he lay perfectly still. Until Soo Yeon returned to discover her appa standing by the window. Staring out at the cloudless, cerulean sky.

"Appa!" she gasped in surprise. "Why are you here?"

"I just came to visit with Ban Ryu for a little while."

Alarmed, she glanced at that adorable gentleman and found him asleep. "But he's sleeping."

"He is now. He was not when I first came into the room."

"Appa?" she asked suspiciously. "What did you discuss?"

"That, my dear, is none of your business," he responded mysteriously.

She stamped her foot. And he spun around.

Then he surprised her by smiling at her. "Have you had your breakfast yet?"

She nodded.

"Good girl." He crossed the room and bent to kiss her on the forehead. "You know I love you, don't you, Soo Yeon?"

She stood, stunned, staring up at him. She couldn't even blink. Had her father ever spoken those words to her before? She didn't think so.

Her forehead puckered as she tried to recall such a time.

"Soo Yeon?" he whispered.

She blinked and nodded.

"Good," he smiled again. "Well, I will be on my way. Have a pleasant day."

Then he turned and walked out of the room. Leaving the two lovebirds very much alone.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now