Chapter 11: Enemy or Ally?

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"There is more," Jin Heung continued.

Lord Kim Seub took a deep breath. What more could there be? His king was asking him to house the son of his mortal enemy, a traitor to this Crown.

"Your son was also injured."

A gasp left his mouth before Kim Seub could control it. "How badly, Your Highness?"

"Not as badly as Park Ban Ryu. Thanks to that noble gentleman."

Confused, Lord Kim Seub frowned. "I don't quite catch your meaning, Your Majesty."

"Park Ban Ryu saved your son's life. He stepped between Soo Ho and the blade of their enemy. After Soo Ho was felled by it. Park Ban Ryu stopped a stroke of the sword that would have been quite fatal had it hit your son instead."

Stunned, Lord Kim Seub simply stared at his king.

Park Ban Ryu, his mortal enemy, had saved his son's life?

How was Kim Seub to wrap his mind around this truth?

"My understanding is that the assailant attacked your son and nicked him with the tip of his blade, but that Soo Ho tripped over something on the ground – a tree branch perhaps? – as he fell back. He was lying defenseless on the ground when Park Ban Ryu came to his rescue. He stepped between his friend and the tip of that blade. Then, as the sword pierced him, he ended the life of their attacker with his own blade."

Lord Kim Seub was so shocked that he wasn't even sure that he could blink. He didn't seem to have control over any of his responses anymore. Park Ban Ryu, the man whom his daughter loved, the man whom his son claimed as his best friend, had just proven his worth at the tip of a sword. When it really mattered, he had come through for Soo Ho. And for Soo Yeon. And for Kim Seub.

So why did this circumstance chafe so much?

How could Lord Kim Seub ever admit that he had been wrong about the young man?

But given this situation, how could he not?


Lord Kim Seub rushed home. To prepare his wife for the arrival of their son. And to gently break the news of his injury to her. And to announce the coming presence of their unexpected house guest. He cringed as he realized that he would have to report Ban Ryu's critical injury to his daughter also.

He strode into the front sitting room a few minutes later. To find both of his treasured ladies hovering over their tea table.

Soo Yeon did not greet him. She was still angry with him over his dismissal of Ban Ryu.

However, his wife was quick enough to bid him hello. But she frowned as she did so. "Seub? What is it? What's wrong?" Discerning his distress, she was instantly on her guard.

"He's going to be just fine, but Soo Ho was injured yesterday. He's on his way home right now."

That fine lady flew out of her chair. "Injured? He was in some sort of an accident?"

Soo Yeon studied her appa's face...and did not like what she saw written on it. She sat up straight. "What is it? Appa? What are you not telling us?"

He cleared his throat as he glanced from one lady to the other. "The princess's entourage was attacked on their way to Goguryeo. Soo Ho was injured by a sword. His forearm was sliced open. He's all right." He cleared his throat as his eyes darted towards Soo Yeon's face.

Now she stood up too. "And Ban Ryu?" she gasped.

Her heart was flying into her mouth. She felt as though she might just return the rice cakes which she'd just consumed.

"That fine gentleman was also injured."

She crumpled her brow. Had her appa just called her beloved a fine gentleman? A whimper escaped her lips. Was he...dead?

"Is he...?"

"He is alive," he rushed to reassure her.

She sighed with relief.

"But he was gravely injured. He's being transported into the city right now. He's being brought here," he finished as his eyes tried to gaze at both women simultaneously.

"Here?" those ladies queried in unison.

He nodded. "The king has asked that we allow him to convalesce here." Now he turned his attention fully on his wife. "King Jin Heung asked specifically that you attend to him, my dear. He seemed to have the greatest faith in your recuperative effects." He smiled affectionately at her.

"Of course. Of course, I will nurse that boy back to health."

"There's more," he murmured.

"What is it?" his daughter asked, her eyes riveted to his face.

He cleared his throat again. Trying to loose the words that still chafed him, but which he hoped would bring his daughter some comfort. "Ban Ryu was injured...saving Soo Ho."

"What?" both women gasped at the same time.

"Ban Ryu saved Soo Ho?" Soo Yeon cried out. "And now he might die?"

"No, no. He's not going to die. You two ladies are going to ensure that he recovers." Her appa bent a sweet smile on her. "He couldn't be in better hands. I have every faith in your abilities, my dears."

But his eyes met his wife's, and she could tell that he was not at all confident.

" was he injured, Appa?"

"A sword thrust."

She winced.

"Through his thigh."

Soo Yeon gasped. "Oh, my poor Ban Ryu!" She ran for the doorway. "We must prepare him a room immediately! I will take care of it!"

Then she was gone, and Lord Kim Seub was left gazing at only his gracious wife.

"How bad is it, Seub?"

"I think, my dear, that it is bad. They stopped the bleeding, but he' a bad way."

"We must pray then. We must pray very hard," that noble lady murmured passionately.

Before her eyes slid towards the doorway that had just embraced her daughter. Lady Bit Na was fairly certain that Soo Yeon could not lose Ban Ryu. That young lady would be simply devastated if any evil forever befell him.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now