Chapter 20: The Ultimatum

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Ban Ryu slept fitfully through the night. And awoke the next morning quite hungry. He opened his eyes to the faint light of day and glanced at the chair next to his bed. Lady Bit Na was sound asleep. Sitting up in her chair.

The corners of his lips twitched upward as his eyes slid over her kind countenance. He wondered vaguely where Soo Yeon was. He lifted his head and glanced towards his feet. But he couldn't see the corner of the room where her bed was. He sighed and lowered his head.

A moment later, he heard soft footfalls approaching him from the outer room. Then Soo Yeon's lovely face appeared in the doorway. She stepped through it, carrying a steaming bowl.

"Ban Ryu!" she whispered in delight. "Are you hungry?"

He nodded. "Yes."

She glanced at the chair before approaching him.

"Here," he spoke. He shifted slightly. Then he winced as he moved his body over a foot. Once he'd settled himself, he began to sit up. Slowly.

He patted the edge of the bed. "Come. Sit by me."

She did as she was bid, seating herself gingerly on the edge of the bed. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" she murmured quietly. So as not to disturb her sleeping mother.

"No," he grunted. And leaned against the wall.

"Your thigh still hurts, doesn't it?"

"It's nothing. Can I have some porridge?" he asked as he peered down into the bowl.

She smiled and held up a bite for him to enjoy. "You may have the whole bowl. And there's more where this came from. If your appetite is picking up."

He nodded as he chewed. "It is. I'm very hungry."

"Of course, you are! You went three whole days without eating! A healthy young man like you. You must be starving!"

She fed him the whole bowl most cheerfully. The doctor returned while she was giving Ban Ryu the last bite.

"You're eating?" the surgeon asked jovially. "This is most excellent news!"

"This is his second bowl. And his fever broke last night."

The doctor beamed. And crossed the room to judge for himself. After thoroughly examining his patient, he declared, "You are officially on the mend. Let's see how your wound is faring today."

So it was that Ban Ryu was in the midst of another wound cleaning when Lady Bit Na awoke. Her daughter escorted her from the room with a stiff admonition to get some sleep. In a real bed.


But when she returned to his outer room, the doctor met Soo Yeon there with some unexpected news. "It's time."

"Time? For what?"

"To stitch his wound closed."

She felt her stomach revolt and clamped down on it viciously. "Stitch his wound closed?" she echoed faintly.

He nodded. "I wanted to ensure that all the infection was cleaned out before we sealed the wound. But you have done a marvelous job packing it and cleaning it. It has begun to heal. And his fever has broken. So I think it's time to stitch him up."

She swallowed. "All right. Show me what must be done."

"I want you to sit on his leg."

"Pardon me?"

"On his knee. So he can't move. I'll have your father lean across his abdomen, and then I will begin to sew the wound shut."

"All – all right." Bile was rising into her mouth, but she choked it back down. She would not fail her dear Ban Ryu!

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now