Chapter 18: My Heart Is Already Given

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"Soo Yeon?" her mother came to relieve her at sunset. "You have a caller. He's waiting for you in the front sitting room. Jung Sook is entertaining him right now. She will remain with you while you speak with him. kind."

Soo Yeon frowned at her mother. "Who is it?"

Gentlemen were not in the habit of visiting her.

"Lord Lee Beom Sook."

Alarmed now, Soo Yeon turned anguished eyes on her mother. "Did Appa invite him?"

"I believe so. They had some business earlier. Your appa promised him that you would speak with him before he leaves."

Her daughter breathed out a deep sigh. "He hasn't promised him anything else, has he?" she whispered in distress. Thankful that the surgeon had finally gone home, and she and her mother were now alone.

Ban Ryu was sound asleep. The man had finally found some peace. And the fever appeared to be weakening. The doctor had felt confident enough to leave the women in charge of the boy's care while he headed home to sleep. He had promised to return the next morning.

"Not that I know of, dear," her mother assured her quietly.

Soo Yeon breathed a sigh of relief. "I will not marry Lee Beom Sook, Eomma," she breathed. "Ever."

She was gazing at her mother, so she didn't notice when Ban Ryu opened his eyes to capture the distress on her face.

"There is only one man for me. And he's asleep in this bed. Appa cannot force me to accept Lee Beom Sook. Or anyone else either. I would rather live as a pauper with the man I love than to be forced to marry a king."

Lady Bit Na sighed. "Oh, Soo Yeon. You are terribly young. And you've had a very sheltered life. Your father just wants to protect you from the harsh realities that most of the world faces. Poverty is no joke, darling. And as much as you might not like it, social status matters. The nobility controls most of the world. Along with the king, of course. You have only to see the damage Minister Park caused to acknowledge the truth of this."

"Minister Park is dead, Eomma."

"True. But the effects of his evil reign are still with us." Lady Bit Na glanced pointedly down at the young man who had been wise enough to close his eyes while he was eavesdropping.

Soo Yeon's gaze followed hers, and her young face softened as she watched her beloved sleep.

"Exactly, Eomma. So you must know that I could never desert him," she murmured quietly.

Right before she left to greet his greatest rival. The noble Lord Lee Beom Sook.


The man was handsome. Jung Sook would have to give him that. And charming. Though, she didn't trust charming. But he did appear to be a nice enough gentleman. Lord Lee Beom Sook had one fatal flaw, however. He was not a certain dashing, young hwarang. He was not – nor would he ever be – Ban Ryu. And for that alone, Jung Sook knew that Soo Yeon would never be able to accept him.

Jung Sook sighed as she sought a way to entertain him. She laughed inwardly as she considered how she could be left alone with him, but Soo Yeon could not. But Jung Sook had been married. And no one but Soo Ho knew that she was still a maiden.

Jung Sook and Soo Ho had yet to speak their vows. Yet, she had noticed that his mother treated her as though she were already a member of their family. Her lips twitched as she considered this. She did adore Lady Bit Na. And she would always be grateful to her for taking her immediately under her wing.

Soo Ho's eomma was delightful. Jung Sook already felt closer to the woman than to her own mother. She found Lady Bit Na easy to talk to. She had already shared several confidences with the affectionate woman. And she could tell that she held a special place in Lady Bit Na's affections. A true miracle indeed. Considering the remainder of her sad life. It seemed that Jung Sook really had found her home.

Not just in Soo Ho's heart. But in the bosom of his family.

His sister adored her too. Which was one reason that she was determined to support her during the upcoming interview. The girl was sure to be distressed that her father was forcing this man upon her as a possible marriage match. Jung Sook continued to pray fervently that the lord would give in to his daughter's desire to marry the noble hwarang. Jung Sook adored Ban Ryu and believed him to be the perfect fit for her dear Soo Yeon.

A girl who suddenly sailed through the door with her usually sweet face elevated. Her nose stuck quite high up in the air.

"Lee Beom Sook," she intoned as she bowed deeply. Still managing to keep that pert, little nose of hers reigning high above all else.

His lips twitched as he watched the younger girl. He stood up and bowed deeply to her. "Kim Soo Yeon," he murmured fondly. "And how are you this fine evening?" he asked innocently. Unaware of the brewing tirade that he had just unleashed upon himself.

"Fine evening?" the suddenly prickly girl scolded him. "What is so fine about this evening? The life of my dear friend hangs in the balance while you and I stand here shooting the breeze! And you ask me about the evening! I could be with him even now. Nursing him back to health. Yet here I am instead, speaking to you!"

Jung Sook winced. Soo Yeon was coming off way too strongly.

The young man's face suddenly rippled in distress. "I beg your pardon, Kim Soo Yeon! I did not mean to disturb you. Or your care of so fine a gentleman. Your father told me of his bravery in saving your brother."

Surprised, her ire fleeing, Soo Yeon elevated her eyebrows nearly to the height to which her nose had climbed upon greeting him. "He did? My appa spoke to you of Ban Ryu?"

He noted her informal use of his name and grimaced. Instantly reading the lay of the land correctly. "He did. Though he failed to mention that you've been nursing the lad back to health."

"I have. I have not left his side since he was brought here. Except for now," she stated the obvious.

"Not even to sleep?" he queried in surprise.

"I had a yo bed set up in the corner of his room. My mother forces me to sleep each night while she watches over him."

"You are truly devoted to your friend," he emphasized the final word particularly.

"I am," she replied firmly as her eyes dueled with his.

He cleared his throat suddenly as a spasm crossed his face, and Jung Sook felt instantly sorry for him. She recognized the expression in his eyes. He was smitten with the young girl. Her heart sank as she watched him trying to take his leave of her in a way that would leave some semblance of his pride intact.

"Then I will not trouble you further, Soo Yeon. I am terribly sorry that I took you away from him."

Soo Yeon stared at him in shock. "You...are?" she asked as all her bravado fled. She felt chagrinned. "I am sorry, Lee Beom Sook. I fear that I was rude just now. It was kind of you to ask to speak to me. Please forgive me. I am just a little...overwrought, you see. With worry over..."

"Your friend," he finished for her.

She nodded dumbly.

"Do not trouble yourself over me," he murmured as he bowed gallantly to her. "I will see myself out. Good evening, Kim Soo Yeon." He turned towards the older girl. "Gwan Jung Sook, it was a pleasure to speak to you. Goodnight."

Then he was gone. Leaving the two girls to gaze at each other. Both feeling a little sorry for the kind gentleman who had just graced them with his presence.

"I hope," Soo Yeon muttered, "that he finds a kind girl who returns his affection."

"So do I," remarked Jung Sook. "So do I."

She glanced at the younger girl. And knew that such a girl would not be Soo Yeon. For her heart was, clearly, already given.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now