Chapter 34: The Kissing Game

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Ban Ryu continued to recuperate over the next couple of weeks. With each passing day, he grew stronger. And the pain began to subside. Little by little. He weaned himself off the doctor's pain medication too.

He also took daily walks in the garden with his beloved over the coming days. He grew in strength with each of those excursions. And in fondness for the girl whom he was planning to marry. Still, unbeknownst to her.

"My favorite part of the day is walking in this garden with you," he murmured softly one day as he gazed up at the bright cerulean sky replete with wispy, white clouds. His gaze followed the cheerful rays of the afternoon sun as they caressed her face.

"Mine too. Well, not quite," she finished impishly.

He saw the twinkle in her eye, and his suspicions grew. "Oh? Just what is your favorite part then?"

"It's easier to demonstrate than to explain," she remarked cheekily as a sunny smile instantly bloomed on her face.


"Yes," she tugged him deeper into the garden until they were shielded by a tree from any spying eyes lurking within the house.

Then she turned towards him and stepped up on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his ruby lips.

She remarked, "I am so happy. Your coloring has returned to normal. And," she gasped with delight as she gazed down at his legs, "you're walking mostly with ease now."

He grimaced. He wouldn't say that exactly. His leg still pained him more than he would like.

"I wonder how long it will be before I can resume my normal duties."

"Hopefully, a long time," she responded heedlessly.

He frowned down at her. "How can you say that, Soo Yeon?!"

She puckered her lips. "Because I am selfish and enjoy having you all to myself."

His scowl melted into a reluctant smile. Then he reached up to tweak her on the tip of her nose. "Look, you little twerp, I love kissing you, but I'm used to being active, and I long to swing my sword again."

She gasped. "Even though you were pierced by one? Doesn't the notion of facing another sword scare you? Even a little?"

It did. But he wasn't about to admit it. So he scoffed instead. "Do you think I'm a small boy to fear a second caning?"

"Yes," she nodded emphatically. Glancing at his leg again, she commented, "That wound was much more fearsome than the bruises from a beating." She winced. "I wouldn't blame you if you never touched a sword again."

"My dear," his voice softened, "I am a hwarang. I live by my sword."

Her face fell. "I know it. But that doesn't mean I have to like it!" she shouted at him suddenly.

She would have turned and run inside, but the gentleman was leaning against her to favor his healthy leg. She couldn't just drop him and go. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut in a futile attempt to stop her tears from falling. But those little drops of salt water were every bit as stubborn as the heart that had produced them. Soon, they were cascading down her face.

His heart bent towards her as he gazed down at her distressed face. He reached up a gentle hand and tenderly brushed those tears away. "You're afraid, aren't you? That you're going to lose me to another sword wound?"

She sniffed. But kept her eyes firmly shut. "Lose you?" she scoffed. "How can I lose you? I don't even have you! Someday, you'll probably belong to another girl. If you don't get yourself killed first!"

His heart was turning into a puddle of mush as he continued to study that heartbroken countenance. He bent over farther, and his lips brushed one wet cheek. Repeatedly. Until his heart wasn't the only one melting.

"I swear to you, Soo Yeon. I will never belong to another girl. Not so long as you are breathing."

His tenderness unraveled her, and her eyes burst open. Just in time to release another flood. "I will hold you to it, Ban Ryu," she declared haughtily.

A moment later, his lips had spanned the distance between her ear and her mouth. And he undid her some more. With several deposits of tenderness.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now