Chapter 21: Just Deserts

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Her face was tearstained when she returned to his room. And her eyes were puffy. And red-rimmed.

Ban Ryu perused her countenance for a few silent moments. Then he tilted his head to the side. "Soo Yeon. What's wrong?"

She sat down on the edge of his bed and reached for his hand. "Would you take me, Ban Ryu? As I am? As you are? Would you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

He furrowed his brow. "What is this about?"

"If my appa refuses your request, would you still be willing to marry me?"

He blinked. Then he shook his head sadly. "I would never marry you without your father's consent, Soo Yeon. I could not do that to you. Or to him. I have too much respect for him." He pulled his hand away from hers.

And she felt...bereft. Lost without her anchor.

She gazed up at him with hurt shining in her eyes. "But why? After all he's done to sever me from you, how can you still respect him?"

"He is just trying to safeguard your future! I would do the same for my daughter. Your father recognizes that I am unworthy of you. He isn't wrong."

"You are speaking rubbish now, Ban Ryu!" she ejaculated, angry with him. "You're not willing to fight for me?" she whimpered in a tiny tone.

"Soo Yeon!" he muttered angrily. "If you knew me – really knew me – you wouldn't want me!" He paused then forced some unwelcome words out of his mouth. "Give in to your parents and marry Lord Lee Beom Sook! He'll take good care of you. And make you a far better husband than I ever could."

Then he moaned as the throbbing in his thigh suddenly increased.

Alarm flew across her countenance. "My dear Ban Ryu! Are you in more pain?" She leaned toward his thigh as she gazed down at it, bent over him in concern.

He groaned again.

"It serves you right for trying to pawn me off on another!" she exclaimed petulantly. Then she grumbled as a dark cloud descended upon her brow, "You know I love you! How could I marry another?"

"It happens all the time," he gasped. After a tense moment during which he prayed for the spasm to pass, he murmured, "Would that I had died in that battle instead of being grievously wounded."

"Ban Ryu!" she rebuked him. "Take those words back! What a horrid thing to say!"

"It's what I deserve," he grumbled.

"What?" she asked, at a loss.

His eyes met hers then. "I said," he gasped in a whisper, "it's what I deserve."

Her eyes sharpened. She stood up. And glanced at her maid. "Eunie, go get this man a glass of water. Right now. He must take his pain medication."

The girl's eyes widened in alarm. "I cannot leave you alone with him!"

"Nonsense! You can! And you will! Do you really think he's in any condition to get into trouble with me?! I am not asking. I am commanding you to get him a glass of water. Now!"

The girl bobbed her head and disappeared from the room.

And Soo Yeon squarely faced her hwarang. "What nonsense are you spewing?"

When he didn't respond, and his gaze slid away from hers, she continued, "They can't make me speak my vows. I will refuse to marry him. At the ceremony. I will disgrace them all for forcing me to give up my heart's desire."

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now