Chapter 34

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It's four in the morning and I have been awake for an hour, since I had a nightmare. My axe flew into Gleam's neck, but when I retrieve my axe from the dead body it's not Gleam, it was May, and her eyes are not blue like mine anymore, they were green. I pull on a white sweater and hang the green scarf around my neck, its not very cold, but oh well. I'll just work on my new found hobby. I head down stairs and look out the window. Reed's lights are on, she must be a victim of nightmares too. I grab a pen and paper and start work. Two hours pass, and I have only written three lines.

Mom comes out of her room now, "Couldn't sleep?"

I shake my head.

"Can I get anything done around the house?" I ask, hoping for an escape from poem writing.

"No, but can you help me with some laundry?"

I nod and stand up, taking my papers and shoving them under the couch cushions. My mom and I spend the next hour at the wash board. This is how we spent weekends before the games, except May and Rosie were with us.

"I'm gonna go check on the boys," She says.

I nod. "You want me to make some tea?"

My mother smiles and I take it as a yes. Hours pass, it's ten now. I load my bag with the laundry, loaves of bread wrapped in paper, and two sandwiches. The sandwiches are for Star and I, if I save her laundry for last I will be there in time for lunch.

"You ready, Drew?" I ask.

My mother smiles. I pick the little boy up in my free arm, and head out the door.

"Bye!" He says, waving his bitty hand to the family.

Before the games, I would be afraid to take Drew out. I was scared to death of the Peacekeepers. Now, I know they won't hurt me, I am a Victor. Within three hours, all but one of the deliveries are done. It normally doesn't take as long, but we sold my horse when we moved. The simple task of delivering clothes has become a lot harder. Mainly, people are congratulating me. Some people focus on Drew, these stops are my favorite because I don't have to relive the Games. I knock on the door of a little cabin. Star lives here with her parents, they are breeders and don't need much land. Mrs. Miller opens the door with a smile.

"Come in, dear." She says, grabbing Drew from my hands.

Star comes around the corner. "There's the Victor."

My smile fades. I honestly just want my life to be back to normal, for just one day. I hand her the laundry since her mother is busy with Drew and she gives me some money. She's the only one today who offered to pay.

"No way, Star. I have more money than I can count."

She smiles and puts her rejected payment back in a jar.

"Mrs. Miller, can you handle Drew for a while?" I ask hopefully.

She nods and I toss Star her lunch. We run out the front door to our favorite spot in the district, the river. We sit on the bank, eating our food and enjoying the time with each other. This is the first time we've really got to visit since I've been home.

"Was it more scary or hard?" She asks.

"I was scared for how we were going to die, if you know what I mean, but other than that I wasn't too frightened. Maybe a little when Maple screamed, both times." I force a chuckle.
"But it was incredibly hard, watching them die."

I notice Star focusing on my face and I smile.

"Can I help you?"

She shakes her head. "I'm so glad you are here. Loosing both my best friends to the games would've been tough."

"Would've been easier, Star. At least for me and your sister. It's not what it seems."

A few awkward minutes of silence pass by and I break the silence. "What do you want to do?"

She looks back up from her sandwich. "Whatever you do."

I tilt my head back and smile. "Oh, okay!"

I push her into the river and she pulls me in with her.

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