Chapter 30

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I open my bright blue eyes to find I am in a white room. I can not see any one around me, but I hear footsteps. I am in a weird night gown that is opened in the back. I grab my stomach, where Raven kicked me with her spikes, and find no pain. My arms are hairless, scarless, and are glowing. I get up from the comfy bed and walk barefoot around the room, looking for an escape. I breath silently. I glance acroos the room into a mirror, my face is just as perfect and smooth as my arms. I circle the room once again. After an hour trying to get out, I just flop back down on the bed. Minutes pass and I start to visulize Corala falling from the tree. Ashton's death. The green eyes are still staring at me. My axe flying through the air into Gleam's neck. I get up again. My head starts to throb, similar to the end of The Games. I pace the room and then a door swings open. It was disguised into the wall. I run out the opening to find a hall, and at the end of it, Reed, Ali, and Mindalia.

I fling into Reed's arms. It's an amazing feeling, surrounded by people that aren't trying to kill me. Even if it is Ali, she won't hurt me.

Mindalia pulls me away, "Your half naked, you know." She guides me into the elevator and Reed and Ali follow.

"El, you did an AMAZING job!" Ali pulls my gown in the back and buttons it up.

"Watching them die?" I question. "Thanks."

The elevator door slides open and I walk back to my room. I immediatley change into a white and blue sweater. The blue gets deeper as it rides down my sleeves. I order pizza, and a whole box slides under my door. I use the remote to reveal the deck. After a couple slices Reed comes out with some berries in a basket.
She wraps her arm around me.

"They would be so glad that you won." I nod and see the green eyes belonging to Raven.

"Tonight is the recap of the games. Try to be happy that you won. Whatever you do, don't bash The Games." She tosses a berry off the deck, and it bounces back to us.

"Forcefeild." She says. "So you don't jump."

I nod and laugh a little. "So we are Mentors together now. Is it hard?" I ask.

"Winning the Games was easier." She grabs my hand. "Watching kids you know being killed, it's tough."

"You think? I just watched by friends being murdered!" I stand up and chuck a berry into the Forcefeild.

"You'll have to watch my Games some time." She replies quietly. "You need to get ready for tonight. Your prep team is waiting in your bathroom."

I grab the basket and head into the bath room.

"Good luck." Reed calls.

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