Chapter 10: First Aid With Corala

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We walk over to the first aid station, and the lady running it looks thrilled we are here.

"Good morning, ladies!" She calls when we are only a few feet a way from her. "I am Clio."

I think my eardrums just shattered, if that's even possible.

"Hi. Can you teach us some First Aid?" Asks Corala.

"Well duh." Says Clio.

I see Corala's posture shift. I put my shoulder between the two.

"Great! Thanks. Where do we begin?"

As the hour progresses Corala and I learn CPR (Corala already knew how, it must be popular in district four), how to treat different wounds, (burns, stings, bites, and cuts) and we learn how to properly set a broken bone. We were taught to pop a dislocated joint back into it's socket. I practiced on a dummy, it was kinda funny actually, to hear the lifeless thing grunt and pop and snap. Clio taught us how to reduce a fever. She showed us some signs of an infection, I was terrible at this part. I learned a lot, but Corala didn't really seem to interested.

"I'll see you later!" Calls Corala and she heads over to the bow and arrow station.

I really do hope I won't have to kill her. Same with seven. I rather die in the bloodbath than win and kill them. I have to stop thinking this way.

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