Chapter 18: My Interview

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It's eight in the morning, and I wake up to find Maple shaking me. I had trouble sleeping last night, too excited about that eleven. .... The eleven! I put my team in danger with the score, and I just realized it.

"I'm sorry!" I say quickly.

"Why?" She says while I pull my sheets away. "The odds had never been in our favor. All but one of us will be dead, may the best tribute win."

"Not the best." I say walking her out the door. "The toughest, they are who get out of here alive."

She smiles like I have something on my face and leaves. I get dressed in an off white sweater with beaded snowflakes and a denim jacket. I would never wear something like this at home. Slowly, I walk down the hall and sit down at the table staring blankly.

I thump my hands on the table in anger and grab a roll from the basket. The escorts leave the room and it's just the tributes and the mentors left.

"Let's start with the Cornucopia." Says Reed "Vote yes or no."

"Yes." The boys say at the same time.

"NO!" Maple and Corala shout.

"It's up to you, Faith" Reed half smiles.

"We will need weapons and supplies for an alliance this big." I say. "We are going to the bloodbath."

"Rip Corala." She says.

"Oh shut up." Maple throws her napkin across the table and onto Corala's head.

We all laugh now, because she's not hurt yet. But tomorrow, we could all be dead. We keep talking for a few more hours. We will split into these groups once the careers are dead. Maple and Barker, Corala and me. And Ashton will go with whoever died. Assuming only one. I don't want to split off, but it has to be done. The guests are gone, and Mindalia rushes me down the hall to my room, where the whole prep team is waiting to get my ready for the interviews. The team curls my hair, not elegantly, but like I woke up with it like this, perfect. My makeup is subtle, and my lips are shaded with a natural looking shine. She turns me around to face the mirror, I look stunning. The landscape of my home is apart of me once again.

"Come on now."

"Barefoot?" I question.

"Yes," Mindalia says simply, and it's almost like she is too lazy to tell me the reason why.

We get in the elevator and soon I am next in line to talk to Ceaser.

"Next up, we have the amazingly beautiful, and apparently just as lethal, Faith Trullen."

I walk out on stage with my flowing dress that covers my bare feet. I give a sincere smile and a gentle wave to the crowd.

"Good evening Ceaser!" I exclaim.

"Well Faith. I think you just made it a GREAT evening!" He laughs at his own joke and I sit down next to him.

"Well first off. Let me ask you about your alliance. Is that true?"

"Yep!" I say. "And plan on seeing one of us after the Games."

The audience roars while He repositions himself on his seat.

"How did you get that amazing score? ELEVEN!"

"What happens in training, Ceaser. Stays in training." I say and the crowd laughs. "But I can give you a hint it had something to do with killing four robots by myself."

His jaw drops. "I'm in love with your dress by the way, is that where you are from?"

"Yeah! Actually, it's my dad's land." I say.

"That's awesome. One last question. Such a beautiful girl like you has to have a guy. Anyone you are trying to go home for?"

"Nope, just my little brothers and sisters."

The crowd awes and starts to cheer my name. Ceaser looks at the clock.

"So there's no one here that caught your eye?"

"The pizza, I guess." I say truthfully with a smile.

The crowd bursts into laughter and my timer rings. I rise and climb the stairs to my spot next to the other tributes. Ashton is next!

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