Chapter 33

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I have been home for a week now, my family is situated in our new home in the Victor's Village. May and Rosie share a room, and the boys cram in together in another. We used to share two beds, now we all have our own. There are four bathrooms, all with warm running water and a shower. The sisters share one, the boys share one, and our parents share another. There's a spare room too, in case we have any visitors. I haven't given anyone their gifts yet. I am waiting for tonight, our first dinner at our new house. I stop by the bakery and get two loaves of bread. I purchase some steak from the butcher, and I also get a gallon of milk from the market. I am walking back from the Town Square to the Victor's Village with two paper bags when Reed joins me.

"Hey you." She says, grabbing a bag from my hands.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Liking it?" She asks me.

I nod and laugh. "It's nice. I'm giving them the gifts tonight."

She grins and walks me up to the door.

"I'll see you later, Faith."

I walk into the busy house, Rosie and Drew are coloring. Bale and Anders are playing cards by the fire. May is doing homework.

"Hey guys," I say and everyone's heads turn to me. "Gather round the sofa."

I set the bags on the kitchen counter and run upstairs quickly to get the gifts. I start with the jar of candy for the boys, which was a big mistake.

"Wait until after dinner." My mom says, taking the jar and putting it on a high shelf.

"And for the girls." I pull out the robes and hand one to each of them. My sisters grab theirs carefully and my mom smiles and takes hers. I give May the jean jacket, she puts it on right away over her burgundy sweater. I give the girl's their dresses, this is their favorite part.

"And when you have a chance, go look at the bathroom." I say with a small smirk.

The three of them dash up the stairs, my mom bringing along the clothes. I make sure they are in the bathroom and go get some candy for the three pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Shhh..." I say smiling.

They mouth thank you and I wink. I head upstairs to help my mom hang the clothes up.

"Can you deliver the clothes tomorrow?" She looks stressed.

"Yup. How many?" I ask.

My mother does the laundry for some families in our district. Those who both spouses work and don't have time for laundry take it to my mom. Now that we live in the Victor's Village, one of us kids just bring it to them. My mom wants us to give them food when we go now too. She says the customers love it when I take it, so I'll do what's best for her business. My father sold his farm for a lot of money, and the cattle for even more. My mother doesn't even need to keep her job, but she doesn't want to stop.

"Only ten or so. I'd like you to bring a loaf of bread for each."

I nod. "Want me to bring Drew?

"If you'd like." She replies as we walk down the stairs. "The other boys will go fishing with Dad by the river."

My dad walks in the door- who knows where he has been- and Rosie runs up to greet him.

"I'll start dinner." My mother looks into the bags.

"I guess I will head over to Reed's." I say. "I really need to start work on my hobby."

"Alright, dinner will be ready in about a half-hour." My mom replies. "Invite her over!"

I walk out the door wearing my green shirt and a leather jacket. Reed lives right next door to us, and I am soon knocking on her door. She opens the door with a smile.

"Do you want to come over for dinner?" I ask.

She nods, "That would be great. Is it ready?"

"No, not yet, but I was hoping you could come over and help me on my hobby."

She is still smiling, I imagine she doesn't do much.

"I'll be over in a couple minutes."

I give her the 'okay sign' and start back to my house. Once I get through the door I immediately smell the aroma of warm bread.

"She'll be over in a few." I say, tidying some things up.

Reed is over within five minutes and we are seated on the couch.

"Can you sing?"

I shake my head.

"Can you draw?" She keeps asking.

"Nope." I respond.

"Can you dance?"

May laughs loudly and I chuck a pillow in her direction.

"How about baking?"

I smile and whisper "Wait for it."

She smiles back just in time for my brothers to start. "She's probably the worst baker in District ten."

I tilt my head.

"No! In all of Panem!"

Reed laughs. "Let's start with things you enjoy doing in your free time, and then see if any of them are on the list."

I take a deep breath. "I like to read and write. Swimming is kinda fun. Any if those count?"

She checks the list. "Yes! Show me some if your writings?"

My mom opens a cabinet by the candy jar and pulls out a box. She hands Reed a poem I wrote about the river by our old land.

"No, not that one!" I say but my mother persists.

Reed takes it from her hand.

Down by the river, where the water flows. Down by the river, where the wind rarely blows. Down by the river, where the air's so sweet. Down by the river, I can be me.

Reed smiles, "Short, but sweet. I like it."

I lean back on the couch dramatically.

"Dinners ready." My mom says.

May flings the pillow back in my direction. I giggle, it's good to be home.

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