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Diana's POV

Her face is irritating me. Like I just want to rip it off.

Why is she talking like that?

I'm in this stupid meeting for God knows why. Apparently I have to listen to this business proposal as it's been recommended for us to put money into it. I hate it. Pure hatred towards it. It's a dumb idea and the company will definitely fail in the next five years. We would lose so much money. But obviously we have to do it as it's the fucking head of the boards daughter.

"So what do you think?" She asks with a smile, snapping me out of thought.

It was awful. "It was great. We'll get in contact with you soon" I can't hold this smile for too long. She nods and shakes my hand then leaves.

Danny looks at me laughing, "That vein on your forehead looked like it was about to burst"

"Five seconds to get the fuck out of here Danny. Five four..."

He stands up with wide eyes and runs out. A sigh escapes me and I leave to my office. The conference room is nice and all but I really need some me time. And this room gives me stress, the windows means people can see me. I don't like people. So then seeing me if just unnecessary. Once I've grabbed all the things I need, I leave the room and make my way to the office.

My heels clicking being the only thing that can be heard on this floor. I enjoy the quietness of my employees, they know not to meet my eye. Once I'm in the lift, I wait till the door shuts then relax. "Kill me" I whisper then it opens at my floor, making me compose myself and leave.

This floor is brilliant, it only has my assistant and I in here. "Your coffee and work has been placed on your desk Ms Parker" Lisa says with a small smile.

"Lisa call her Diana or Di! This bitch ain't that scary" Sasha says while putting an arm on my shoulders. I look at her with a glare and she just laughs as we walk into the office. Once she closes the door she takes a seat and looks at me with amusement. "So is she single?"

"She's married with two kids. Happily married."

Sasha raises a brow, "For someone who doesn't talk to anyone, you do know a lot about people"

I roll my eyes and take a seat but then the door slams open and then closed. When I look up, it's Kali. "Jesus Christ what do the both of you want?!" I ask firmly. When they're both here it's not by accident or coincidence. They always plan this shit.

If I could return my best friends I would. Seriously.

Sasha Sanders is my best friend from when we were kids. It was all by accident, she defended me from some bullies from our neighbourhood. She looks innocent but she can be scary at times. That was one of the times. She's Korean with long black hair and a beautiful body. Her personality is literally being loud and purposely pissing me off.

Kali is my other best friend from university. Sasha and I met her there and the three of us ended up bonding a lot. Kali is dark skin with hazel eyes and a body to die for. She is quiet at times but intimidating when she wants to be. People say her and Sasha are totally different but once you know her, you see how they are basically like twins.

I've got dark black hair and blue eyes. The basic look some say, I don't really care to be fair. Some say I'm attractive but personally it's anything thing I don't really care about.

Kali folds her arms, "Oh shut up. Be grateful we're here! I know for a fact that you missed us" I did.

I raise a brow, "You talking about me? Nahhh"

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