Born Of fire Chapter 4

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Phoenix reached into his boot and pulled the long dagger free. Holding it by the tip of the blade, he hurled it toward the man with all of his might. The small knife flipped through the air before burying itself in the mans neck, just above his armored chest. The hand and a half sword dropped from his hands and he clawed at the bone hilt of the knife, his mouth opened in a silent scream. Ember turned over and spotted Phoenix, then used a gush of air to raise herself to her feet gracefully.

Her hands started making the motions of conjuring an orb when Phoenix's hands clasped over them. "No Ember. You are not fighting this battle. Find a hiding place."

Her eyes widened. "Phoenix no! I am a Bahdvalee (< Female Air User), it is my duty to defend my home!"

Phoenix's eyes hardened. "And I can defend your home better than you can with my blade. Find a hiding spot or I will sit and watch this village burn. It is for you I fight."

Defeated, Ember turned and moved away. Slowly at first, then breaking into a run as she found a hut that wasn't burning. Ducking inside, she closed the door behind her and Phoenix turned to meet the invaders. Striding into the exact center of the village, Phoenix readied himself for the fight ahead. One man came running toward him, short short raised high. He was almost upon Phoenix when he brought the blade down swiftly. Phoenix whirled to his left, causing the blade to whistle through the empty air. Almost at the end of his spin, Phoenix crouched and stretched out his sword, slicing into the mans soft belly. With a scream the man fell, and another advanced on Phoenix.

This small, skinny man stood in a foreign stance, with the blade pointing straight toward Phoenix, feet spaced, and one hand in the air behind himself for balance. He darted forward, flicking the blade for the young mans throat, but Phoenix swatted his blade to the side at the last moment. The skinny man retreated then came forward once more, striking for Phoenix's throat, and when that was blocked, once more for the mid-section. Phoenix was almost to slow to block and his mistake gained him a small, superficial gash across the stomach.

The man retreated once more and seemed to be sizing him up. He seemed to be content to came in quick, strike and retreat, probably trying to wear Phoenix down. When Phoenix realized this, he smiled when the man came forward once more. The small man thrust forward in a feint to his belly, then spun and aimed for Phoenix's sword hand. When the man spun, Phoenix jumped back, then brought his blade down onto the mans wrist, severing it. The man howled, then fell to his knees and Phoenix ran him through.

With his sword still embedded in the mans body, a powerful force slammed into Phoenix's back, lifting him from the floor and sending him flying into the dirt ten feet away. He kept his grip on the hilt of his sword however, and it ripped through the dead mans body with a sickening sound. After a moment his vision cleared and he tried to breathe, but only a raspy sound found its way out of his throat.

He waited until he could breathe, painfully as it were, then opened his eyes and got back to his feet. He turned to see a large, powerful chest rushing toward him at breakneck speed. Phoenix dropped his left leg and rolled out of the way before he was crushed, then spun to face whoever that chest belonged to, and his breath caught in his throat. A giant of a man stood before him, wielding a huge ax. Gritting his teeth, Phoenix rushed forward, then sliced at the mans chest, but his sword ground against his thick armor with a shower of sparks. The man laughed, a deep, echoing sound, then placed his palm to the young mans chest and pushed hard. Phoenix was once more lifted from his feet and thrown through the air, landing on his back. He rose shakily as the man thumped toward him and Phoenix looked around for something, anything, else to use as a weapon and that's when he saw them. All the invaders left alive were gathered around in a large circle, cheering the hulk of a man on.

"Gorog! Gorog! Gorog!" went the chant, then Gorog raised his fists into the air and shook them, letting loose a inhuman roar. The crowd went wild and Gorog took his eyes off of Phoenix for one moment. Phoenix took advantage of this distraction and struck out with his blade, creating a deep gash on Gorog's unarmored left leg. Gorog turned slowly, his eyes alight with anger. Anger toward the young man on his knees before him. Quicker than a man of his size should be able to move, he reached out and grabbed Phoenix by the throat, lifting him until Phoenix could look into his eyes without inclining his head.

"You will be sorry for that little man," Said Gorog, slowly increasing the pressure upon Phoenix's throat, cutting off his air supply at his leisure.

Weakly, Phoenix lashed out twice with his sword, failing to wound the large man before the sword fell from his grasp, clattering to the ground with a clang of finality. His vision started to haze and red dots started to dance before his eyes before a scream brought him back to clarity. He turned his eyes to find that he could now see above the heads of the spectators. The view before him sickened him; two men not watching the show of his death were dragging a black haired woman clad in a dirty white dress out of a hut, and Phoenix vaguely recognized the building, knowing that it was important, but could not remember why through his oxygen deprived stupor. The woman stumbled as the men dragged her to the cart meant for hauling hay, and threw her into it.

"Halfway pretty this one is," said one of the men, holding a small blade to her throat as he positioned himself between her thrashing legs, which immediately went still when the blade touched her throat. He lifted her skirts and she screamed, a familiar, piercing sound. She inclined her head and her bright blue eyes met those of Phoenix, who came back to his senses automatically.


Struggling with renewed strength, Phoenix desperately tried to free himself from Gorog's grip, but to no avail. The other man with Ember held her hands down, and the other man dropped his breeches, then moved forward toward the girl. With no conscious effort, Phoenix's hands moved for the thick arm of Gorog and gripped tightly, and heat flowed out. Gorog's eyes widened in recognition and he opened his mouth to scream, but the sound never made it out of his lips. With no warning whatsoever, his chest plate glowed red hot, and the once dark man himself glowed. Phoenix was searing him from the inside out, toasting his organs and burning his innards. His eyes clouded over in death, then they too blackened with the heat emanating from his body. Gorog dropped to the dirt of the square, a empty burned out shell of what used to be a body. Phoenix landed nimbly, bending his knees to absorb the impact.

With fire in his eyes, he turned to where he knew the men had Ember, though he could no longer see her from the circle of men still standing around him, awestruck. Bringing both of his hands together in a loud clap, a enormous wave of fire rolled towards the men directly in his way, turning their bones to ash before they hit the ground. With his line of sight no longer impeded, he watched the wave move swiftly for the two men holding Ember, clueless as to the red, searing death about to overtake them. Just as the fire reached the men, Phoenix split his hands, causing the wave to split in two at the fore, and engulf each man without touching the young, still pure woman in the cart. The two men turned to ash, their blades becoming globs of molten metal within their sheaths. Phoenix let the fire dissipate and lowered his hands to his sides. With terrified eyes, Ember lifted herself from the cart and looked at Phoenix. Phoenix saw the realization of him using his flame dawn on her before she removed herself from the cart and stood, waiting to see if he would do it again. The men around him, numbering close to thirty, started closing the circle around him. Phoenix smirked, reveling in the feeling of heat emanating from his palms, then brought his hands together in a clap once more, sending the wave straight forward. When it engulfed the men directly in front of him, Phoenix spun in a deadly circle, plunging every man around him into mind numbing pain, and finally, into the fiery depths of hell where they belonged.


Well everyone, Born Of Fire is quickly becoming my new favorite story. I spent alot of time on this chapter, so please, Vote and comment. Thanks!

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