Born Of Fire Chapter 28

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Well everyone, you have met my challenge once more! I thank each and every one of you, because it just shows me that people are reading. Which of course, keeps me inspired. In recognition of that, I wont put up a challenge for this chapter, only hoping that everyone who reads, votes! Thank you all again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!

Foldon, quite flustered, managed to speak. “I am sorry Phoenix. I was not aware of your gifts.”

Phoenix didn’t sway. “Do not be so quick to judge people Foldon, you never know who might be able to kill you with a simple thought.”

Foldon nodded, then reached under the breastplate of his armor, removing a rolled up piece of animal hide. He unrolled it, then knelt and spread it out on the ground. Phoenix angled his head to see the map, noting a large red star in the middle of it. There were black lines cris-crossing thus way and that across the surface of the picture, and Phoenix could see a small black dot to the east with the words ‘Yaag’ written beneath it.

Foldon pointed to the star. “This is Darval.” His finger traced the thickest of the black lines. “And this is the route Demetrius’ army took. We have a runner keeping up with them, tracking their movements. They are a two day march from Boxor, and we think they have plans to attack it.”

Phoenix sighed. Boxor was a small town, maybe two hundred less people than Yaag. Not really worth protecting, but he needed to make sure he caught up with them before they attacked, in case a Boxorian got lucky and killed any of the Zuhdalay with them.

“What are these other black lines Foldon?” asked Ember.

“These are the routes Demetrius’ soldiers take through our lands. Every city within ten days travel has been marked, and you will see that the lines intersect here,” Foldon said, pointing to a spot maybe seven days hard ride north. “We had hoped to have a chance at having them all meet here, and launching a surprise attack, but we no longer have enough soldiers. If we could have, we could kill many of them at once.”

Phoenix pondered this while the others inspected the map. Finally he spoke. “We must be going. Foldon, I thank you, though you tried to shame me.”

Foldon bowed. “I only succeeded in shaming myself with my ignorance.”

Tavius stepped forward and laid a hand on Phoenix’s shoulder. “I shall show you to our outer walls.”

Phoenix nodded, and followed Tavius out of the training area, and through the city, once again noticing the mass of people that trudged through the streets. Dirty and disheveled, malnourished and sickly, none met his eye, content to observe the dirt beneath their feet as they walked. This is what Demetrius wanted? If he continued in this stead, there would be nothing left. Gritting his teeth, Phoenix made a vow to stop him, by whatever means necessary.

Outside the walls, the stable boy returned their horses, and Phoenix dropped a few coin into his hand. With wide eyes the boy ran back through the gates, but not after thanking Phoenix profusely. Phoenix turned to his horse, making sure the tack was secure. Tavius stood by, watching intently.

Phoenix finished, and hauled himself up onto Blaze, then pulled on the reins to face Tavius. “I cannot thank you enough my friend. We will do our best to rid this land of its scourge, and maybe one day, we can meet in a time of peace, as friends, not as allies.”

Tavius smiled. “From your mouth, to the ears of the Gods.”

“If only they would listen to me more often, perhaps the world would already be without Demetrius.”

Tavius laughed a hearty laugh, then bid farewell to the others, and turned back into the city as Phoenix and the three rode off quickly, pushing their horses hard.

For a full day they rode, never letting the horses slow below a gallop. Finally, as the sun started to fall, Phoenix let up on Blaze’s reins, letting the horse come down to a canter. The others followed his lead, stopping when he did. Phoenix turned Blaze, spotting a wooded area on the otherwise flat and bare land.

“We will set camp in there, to hid our fire.”

The three nodded in unison, and set off at a trot.

With a small fire going, and the tents pitched, all four of the travelers sat around the fire pit, though no conversation was entered into. Phoenix wondered at that, and realized that Lindani sat stiffly, not meeting his eye. Spedro and Ember sat, eyeing the both of them, neither one wanting to be the first to interject into the tension. After a few moments, Lindani rose with a huff, and pulled a sphere of water from her water skin, then proceeded to hurl it at Phoenix. Surprised, he had no time to evade or block. It splashed against his chest, then coated his chest, and wound around his arms, pinning them to his side. He rolled backward off the log on which he had been sitting, landing hard on his back. He sought out the water with his mind, trying to bend it to his will, but Lindani’s hold on it was stronger than steel. She stalked toward him, and he tried to light himself to melt it. Steam started to rise from the ice, but she raised her hand and pushed the steam back in, converting it back to ice. Try as he might, Phoenix could not escape without heating himself to the point that he might hurt the others. Deciding to see how this played out, he let his fire fade, and tried to rise to a sitting position. He succeeded, but Lindani pushed both of her hands forward, slamming him back down onto the bed of leaves.

“You dense, unseeing, stupid, man!” she cried.

Phoenix raised his head, and looked at the very angry woman at his feet, and decided to interject. “If you do not want to fight by me Lindani, I have never held you here. This is what I have to do, and never asked you to come.”

He could immediately see that he had said something wrong, because Lindani’s eyes flashed anger, and then she simply dropped her hands, giving up her control of the water surrounding him. Phoenix freed himself quickly and stood, eyeing her warily.

Lindani hung her head, and shuffled away, entering her tent and closing the flap behind her. After a moment, soft crying could be heard coming from her tent.

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