Born Of Fire Chapter 16

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Phoenix gasped when they stepped through the threshold of the new stone home. Everything was smooth; the walls, floor and ceiling, all light brown color.

Spedro spoke in his deep voice. “Where would you like the walls?”

Not hearing him, Phoenix turned in a full circle, taking in the immense space within the outer walls.

“Phoenix,” Spedro said again, and Phoenix turned to him with wide eyes. “Where would you like the walls?”

“Um. One there,” Phoenix said, pointing to where his kitchen had been.

Spedro raised his hand and a wall rose from the floor, meeting the ceiling and sealing itself to it.

“And two more there,” Phoenix said, pointing to where his room had been.

Two more walls sprang up near the corner, and Spedro traced the outline of a door, then walked through and did the same to fashion a small window.

“Make three more bedrooms Spedro? One for you, one for Lindani, and one for Ember.”

Ember, who was still looking around in awe, snapped to attention. “You want me to live here too?” she squeaked.

“Well, considering that you did nothing to stop Spedro or I from fighting Secrat and his friends, though you watched from your window,” Phoenix teased, which caused embarrassed flush to fill Embers face. “Father, will not be too happy with you. So to save you from having to endure one of his long winded lectures, you are moving in with us.”

Ember smiled, and hugged Phoenix. Spedro was walking into each of the four rooms, fashioning beds and chairs from black stone that rose from the ground.

“Spedro,” called Phoenix. “Rock is not too comfortable my friend!”

Spedro turned and gave him a look. Phoenix raised his hands in defeat with a chuckle. “Continue, please.”

Lindani walked out of the house, dragging Ember with her, leaving the men alone. After a moment, Spedro sat in one of the chairs, and inspected his arm. Still bleeding slightly, he created a needle of stone, and then dropped it, looking frustrated. Realizing they had no thread, Phoenix knelt next to the man, and checked the wound.

“I can close the wound, but it will hurt,” Phoenix said.

Spedro did not speak, but held out his arm. Phoenix called an orb from the well, watching as it floated through the open doorway. Cleaning the wound as best as he could, he let the water fall, then lit his finger, making a torch. Tracing the tip of the torch along the small but deep wound, the flesh cauterized, leaving a small scar. Knowing that this caused immense pain, Phoenix glanced up at Spedro’s face to see him grimacing, but not a sound of discomfort escaped him.

“Thank you, for coming to my aid,” Phoenix said, no longer meeting his eye, but concentrating on his work.

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