Never Forget~Cody

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A/N: WARNING!! mentions of panic attacks

Ending it where it all began...

The space beside you was silent.

You knew Cody was there, sound asleep, but everything was just so quiet. It felt odd.

As you turned your body towards him silently, not wishing to wake him up, you admired the way he looked.

Sleeping on his side, you remembered Cody telling you that he always faced you when he slept. He said it made him feel safer.

You had laughed sweetly when he first told you this because how could he, a clone commander of the 212th feel safe sleeping facing you, a medic?

Now, as you thought of the memory, you once again smiled, but it was more genuine this time.

You admired Cody greatly and loved him more than you could ever describe. You felt absolutely honored that he felt safe in your presence. You wouldn't trade anything in the galaxy for that.


Reaching out to him, you placed your hand on his bare arm as he was only wearing the bottom half of his blacks.

There, you just held your hand, slowly and silently taking in his warmth and the rhythmic rising and falling of his body.

As you slide your body closer to his ever so carefully, another memory popped into your head, and you once more smiled at it.


It had been such a rough day for Cody. You could feel the waves of stress and anxiety roll off of him the moment he walked through the door to your shared apartment.

You had gotten off early that day, all thanks to Kix, and had planned to spend the night curled up with Cody and enjoying each other's company. But that planned changed when you noticed how off he was.

He had walked through the door and the moment it had closed he had leaned up against it, dropping his helmet on the floor.

You were already on your way to greet him when you saw the state he was in.

"Cody? Are you okay?" you asked quietly, making your way to him slowly.

You didn't want to push him into telling you anything. You wanted everything to be on his own time and terms.

Without opening his eyes, he just grunted softly and nodded his head.

You knew he was lying. He wasn't okay and it was beyond obvious.

Moving closer to him, you asked him once more, "Cody? Are you sure you're okay?"

At this, he just slumped to the ground at the door.

You moved over to him quickly and knelt beside him, taking his arm in your hand.

"Hey Cody, look at me. Please look at me"

You needed Cody to look at you, or at least open his eyes.

He did groggily and when you glanced into them, you could see tears forming.

"Oh, Cody" you sighed as you placed your other hand to his jaw. "What happened out there?"

Only earlier that morning Cody had been called into the command center urgently by Master Kenobi and you didn't think much about it then, but periodically throughout the day you had wondered if something bad had happened since half of his men were on Umbara without him or Obi-Wan.

Now looking at Cody, you could see something had gone wrong.

You brushed your hand up over his forehead and you could feel he was getting warm.

He was having a panic attack.

You could see the small beads of sweat forming on his brow and his resistance to keep his eyes open.

Without hesitation, you began to take off any armor you could reach. You needed him to cool down.

Leaving him in mostly just in blacks, you sat back down next to him, your back against the door, and took his hand into your lap.

There you traced shapes into his palms and followed the lines in his hands.

As he slowly calmed down, he leaned his head onto your shoulder and the both of you sat in silence. You knew he needed the silence.

Not noticing at first, you began to hum a lullaby your mother sang to you when you were a child. You hadn't thought about that song in years and didn't realize you were humming its tune until Cody finally spoke up.

"That's beautiful cyare"

You stopped your humming and leaned into him a bit and then placed a small kiss on the top of his head.

Continuing your humming, the two of you sat together for what seemed like hours.

Once it had turned dark outside, Cody propped himself back up onto the door and sighed deeply.

Still holding his hand from earlier, you looked at him.

"They're gone cyar'ika." He took a deep breath and looked back at you. "Almost all of them are gone"

You looked back down at his hand in your lap. You didn't need him to say anymore. You already had an idea of what happened out there on Umbara.

Looking back at him, you saw he was still staring at you.

"Cody I-" you stopped yourself.

You really didn't know what to say to him.

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your cheek. It was soft, but it made you feel galaxies better.

You gave him a soft smile as he pulled away, looking deep into your eyes.

"I love you," you said softly. You knew he needed to hear that. Needed to hear that he still had someone in his corner, someone who had not left him or died on the battlefield without him.

He leaned his head to one side and gave you half of a smile. You would take anything he gave you at this point. A broken man can only do so much.

"I love you too mesh'la" he whispered back, taking the hand that you had been holding onto since he had arrived home and bringing it to his lips.

Leaving a small kiss on it, you leaned your head onto his shoulder.

After sitting in silence for a bit more, you spoke up, your voice soft and sweet, wanting to convey that what you were about to say was important and should never be forgotten; "Never forget I love you"

In response, he placed a long kiss on your forehead, and there the two of you remained until much later that night.


Looking at him now, sleeping peacefully for the first time since he had heard the news about his men on Umbara, you remembered the promise you made Cody keep.

As you nestled into his body and him unknowingly wrapping his hand around your waist, you repeated the promise you wished Cody would always keep.

"Never forget I love you" you whispered into his skin and the night of Coruscant.

Unbeknownst to you, Cody heard you that night and all the other nights before when you had whispered that to him thinking he was fast asleep and blissfully unaware of what you were saying to him.

But he heard you. He always heard you.

And he did keep that promise.

Cody never forgot that you loved him.

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