It was All Him~Echo

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A/N: Cheese and crackers y'all I am so sorry in advance. I was not really having a good day today and you can certainly tell in what I wrote tonight. Sheesh.
Apologies my friends.
Tomorrow is a new day and it will be better!

You were falling apart at the seams.

Everything, your life, your relationships, your job, it was all falling into shambles.

No matter how hard you tried you could not catch a grip on yourself.

You had no time for yourself anymore.

No more time for Echo.

And you were finally feeling the effects.

The war against the Separatists was getting increasingly worse.

You were gone all the time.

And the moments you did happen to be home, Echo was gone; doing his duty for the Republic.

There were moments you just wanted to run away, abandon your Jedi duties and take Echo with you.

Run off to some uncharted planet and start your new life.

That's all you wanted at this point.

You were on Ryloth with your battalion, the 84th legion.

Things were messy there, more than they had originally reported but all you could think about, all you could worry about, was Echo.

He had been sent to Lola Sayu to break into the infamous Citadel and from what you had heard from the other Jedi Masters, things weren't pretty there either.


The moment Echo had heard what their next mission would be in the debriefing, his heart stopped.

He had heard the stories of the Citadel and what it did to Jedi.

He couldn't imagine what it would do a clone like him.

All he thought about was you.

He couldn't lose you.

He couldn't let you lose him.

He knew that would break you.

You both often talked about getting away for a while, taking a break from the chaos, the war.

This moment was the first time he ever thought about deserting.

He wanted nothing more than to run away completely.

Stop fighting altogether and live for yourselves for a change.

Actually being on Lola Sayu didn't change what he thought at all.

He didn't even get to say goodbye to you before you left for Ryloth.

He never got to kiss you goodbye.

And he would soon regret that.


Ryloth was riddled with droids.

It seemed that with every new wave a better, stronger droid emerged.

You were often confident in battle, leaving all fears on the transport.

As more troopers fell around, you could feel your fears slowly slipping back into your mind.

This rarely happened.

The last time it did happen, it was moments before you got shot twice in your arm, severing some nerves to your fingers on your left hand.


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