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"Do you know who is the person behind this?" Officer Park Seokjoon asked, calmly.

"Lee Jonghin." Jimin said, his eyes still not showing any emotion.

Seojoon looked at Tae, who was standing beside them chewing his nails nervously. Tae looked back at his senior Officer, not saying anything though.

"How are you so sure?" Seojoon asked again.

"Jessie called me and told me that we had underestimated his power. He had sent men to look for me." Jimin said again, looking down at his lap now.

"Why you? Do you guys have some history or something?"

"No." Jimin said, shaking his head, "He just met me for the first time, yesterday in the club. He wanted me, my body to be exact, and I refused, so I guess that hurt his pride. But I don't get why would he destroy the whole club for this??" Jimin said, frowning.

Seojoon just looked back at Tae and sighed before getting up from the sofa. He made his way a bit away from Jimin, along with Tae, so that he couldn't listen to them.

"Does he know who is he talking about?!" Seojoon whisper yelled.

Tae just sighed, "I am sure he doesn't. And so what if that Jonghin is one of the biggest businessmen of Korea?! That doesn't give him the right to use anyone as he wants to!" Tae whsiper yelled back.

Seojoon rolled his eyes, "Of course it doesn't. But we can't just arrest him on the basis of a statement given by a stripper!"

Tae gasped, "How can you even say that-"

"We need to be practical here Tae! You don't know how dangerous that Lee Jonghin is! Nobody could ever dare to arrest him even after knowing about all the human trafficking shit he does-"

"Jungkook did." Tae said, in a serious tone, "He wasn't afraid of him. He even collected proof-"

"And we all know where he is today..." Seojoon said, gulping at his own harsh words, "in what condition..."

Tae paused, glaring at Seojoon, "It was an accident-"

"It wasn't an accident! We all know it wasn't a damn accident! But even we cannot prove it otherwise! That's the power of Lee Jonghin!" Seojoon whisper yelled again, pulling Tae's collar.

"So we are just gonna sit here and let that man do whatever shit he wishes like-"

"No." Seojoon said, leaving Tae's collar, straightening the folds a bit, "We are going to protect the ones who are his targets. Jungkook... Kanghoon... and now... Park Jimin..." Seojoon said, looking at Jimin, who was still looking down at his lap


Jimin was lying down on the bed, his eyes still open, all the lights off, and only source of light in the room, being the moon outside.

He was in deep thoughts about tonight's events. So much happened in just a few hours. Their club was completely destroyed, many of their workers there were badly injured, but thankfully nobody died. He tried to contact Jessie and Tony, but their numbers were not reachable. Thankfully Tae met them in the hospital, with the other workers of the club and assured Jimin that he'll take him there tomorrow. So him being restless tonight was quite obvious.

Jimin suddenly heard a thud sound. Jimin sat up and turned towards the window, where now stood a black silhouette of a tall man. It was so dark that he couldn't see the face from the corner where the man was standing.

Jimin's breathing quickened and he gulped, before gripping his phone, ready to dial Tae's number, but then when the man stepped forward, Jimin frowned, relieved and confused.

"Jungkook..?" Jimin said, about to stand up, but then Jungkook came and lied down on the bed with him.

"W-What are you doing here?? At this time...?" Jimin asked, in a soft low voice as it was already quiet, being mid night.

"Jiminie was sad today... so I couldn't sleep." Jungkook said, looking up at Jimin, with big doe eyes, shining beautifully in the moon light.

"I-I... I'm not-"

"When I'm sad... I hug Kanghoonie tightly and cry." Jungkook said and then threw his arms wide open, "come. Hug me and cry."

Jimin's breath hitched, his unsure tears already making his way to his eyes.

"I-Im n-not-"

"Lying is bad... it's okay to be sad..." Jungkook said and then his eyes widened, "oh! That rhymed!" He said with a big bunny smile proudly, his arms still wide open, waiting for Jimin to come and snuggle into them.

Jimin couldn't stop himself anymore, so just shifted a bit, and hugged Jungkook, burying his face in the taller's chest.

As soon as, Jungkook engulfed him properly, Jimin broke down. He didn't know he was holding anything in, he thought he'll he okay by himself, like every other time, but may be...may be... he did need a hug badly. It's funny how just a small physical contact with someone, one simple hug of someone, can make your all bottled up emotions to resurface.

"Shh... I'm here Jiminie... your okay... Kookie will protect you..." Jungkook said, stroking Jimin's hair gently, talking like how Jimin had talked to him when he had freaked out that morning.

Jimin couldn't help, but giggle at the cute big baby through his tears and finally just sniffed and hiccupped from time to time, still hugging Jungkook tightly. He looked up at Jungkook, who was looking down at him with a big bunny smile, unbothered. Jungkook looked so free, so happy, so innocent all the time. It's such a beautiful thing about him. He doesn't have to worry about people, society, family, anything. He just lives in the moment, making all around him smile at him.

"You are beautiful..." Jimin said, sincerely, analyzing Jungkook's face.

"No. You are." Jungkook said, denying the fact all at once, shaking his head from left to right.

"No, you are!" Jimin said, in his tone, booping Jungkook's cute nose.

"No! You are!!" Jungkook said stubbornly, booping Jimin's nose now.

"You!!" Jimin said with a smile now, ruffling Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook did the same, "YOU!!" He said loud enough, to almost wake their neighbors up.

So Jimin gasped before giggling and agreeing to the stubborn bunny. He then snuggled again into Jungkook's chest and took a deep breath of his calming scent.

After a few minutes of silence, Jimin finally spoke up.


But he got no response, so he pulled back a little to look up. There he saw a big baby bunny, with his mouth a little ajar, sleeping peacefully, already long lost in his dreamland.

Jimin smiled at him and snuggled in his chest again, feeling content, protected and safe.



*Pulls you by your collar*







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