💙Wanted Women💙

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Note: I found this idea off of Pinterest, but I tweaked it a little bit. Enjoy~ 😊

Most people want what they can't have. This was the case for Bubbles Utonium. All her life she'd been praised for being the most beautiful girl in Townsville. All her life she'd been handed everything for free because she had a beautiful figure. All her life she'd felt like nothing but a pretty face.

When she turned the age of eighteen and was legally able to be made a bride, people jumped at the chance to make her theirs.

They'd send gift baskets with an expensive diamond ring. Some would learn the chorus of a song and end with 'will you marry me' as they kneel on one knee. Some would even go as far as to hire a plane to write it in the sky, or have fire works that said it.

However, the girl was unsure she wanted to even marry someone who she didn't know. And her father respected her decision, he wasn't going to push her to do something she was uncomfortable with.

When Bubbles was twenty two, she had had enough of people pressuring her to marry them. So on the eve of her twenty third birthday, she announced that who ever received the golden chain around the albino German Shepard, shall be her spouse.

So people started searching for a white German Shepard with a golden chain around its neck. Bubbles had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen, she left a note saying that when the chain was retrieved she'd reappear to greet her new husband.

Soon the snowy white dog was spotted and people tried to chase it and trap it. Some tried to hunt it down and rip the chain off it's dead and lifeless body. But none of their tricks worked. The dog was simply to fast and smart.

On the outskirts of town stood a single hut. Inside lived an inventor and his son. When word reached them about the white dog that wore a golden chain, and the reward someone got for retrieving the chain, the inventor was more than pleased.

He'd shoved a gun into his sons hand and told him to find the dog, and retrieve the chain at all costs. And to not come back until the boy had done so. "Now Boomer, don't even think about disobeying me. Now go, before someone beats you to it."

Boomer sighed and walked along the road leading to the main village. "It's always, Boomer to this! Or Boomer do that! Nothing I do makes him happy!" With a heavy sigh the blonde stoped and sat down underneath a tree.

He didn't know how long he was under there, but soon the stars came out and the chilly air began to nip at his nose. He got up and built himself a fire, then laid his head down and let his eyes flutter shut.



The loud sound of a twig snapping, caused the blonde to jolt up. His blue eyes widened and he scanned his surrounding. When he saw a bush move, he got his gun ready.

Out jumped a beautiful white German Shepard. It's baby blue eyes twinkled like diamonds in the sky. It's fur was as white as snow and looked as soft as feathers. "Woah..." Boomer lowered the gun and smiled. That's when his eyes saw the golden chain. "No way. I can't be this lucky."

The dog growled and showed it's teeth. Boomer shoved the gun away and rested his hands on his lap. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Promise." He motioned for the dog to come closer.

Where as most people would try and hunt this poor dog until it's death, Boomer decided to befriend it. Maybe then he'd be allowed to touch it and remove the golden chain. And that's pretty much what happened.

Boomer and the dog grew close. They walked through the woods together and played in mud puddles after the rain. They hid in caves to wait out storms and ran through fields of flowers. They had become the best of friends and one day, during the middle of the night when the full moon was at its highest, the dog laid its head down on Boomers lap and fell asleep. This gave the blonde a chance to retrieve the chain. So he did.

He slowly slipped the golden chain off the dogs white fur. As he stared at the price of jewelry, it was as if it was beginning to change. Little specks of good began to float off of it, until there was noting in his hand. He looked down at the dog and watched as blue and silver sparkles danced around it. When they disappeared, there in its spot laid a beautiful girl. Her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful.

Boomer noticed the freckles that speckled her pale cheeks. He admired her adorable button nose and long lashes. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two low pigtails, childlike he thought. He chuckled at the soft snore she gave.

His loud voice caused the girls eyes to flutter open, revealing brilliant baby blue orbs. She stared at him and tilted her head.

"Looks like I've won." He gave a soft giggle and rested his hand on her cheek. "You're more beautiful than words could ever describe."

Bubbles cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and she looked away shyly. "T-Thank you..."

"No, thank you." He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I've never had so much fun before."

"Neither have I." She admires as she wrapped her around a around him as well. "I don't want to go back to that town though."

"I won't make you." Boomer pulled away and stared into her eyes. He smiled, revealing his dimples and perfect teeth. "Wanna run away?"

Bubbles gasped, then nodded with giggles. "I'd love to." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then stretched and yawned. "Tomorrow though. For now... I wanna sleep."

"Agreed." Boomer laid down and rolled over. "Night....?"

"Oh! Bubbles."

"Right. G'night Bubbles."

"Night Boomer." She laid down as well. "Thank you..." she whispered, then closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep with beautiful dreams.

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