Chapter 11 Becoming a family member

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When they arrived at the village, Tang San said to Xiao Wu "My father is not good with his temper so when you go with me to my house please don't irritate  him "

Xiao Wu immediately answered "I will be quiet as a stone don't worry "

Miya saw this but said nothing she walked towards her house which was not far and didn't let the two know about it.

When they both arrived at the house the house was not in bad condition  as it was before he left it was at least clean when both of them entered the house, Tang San called out "Dad, Dad I am back "but got no answer but saw Grandpa Jack  standing  there holding a paper.

"Oh  Xiaosan you are back I wanted to go and bring you back with your father but when I arrived I got this letter but this house was very clean, I have never seen this house so clean and neat looking, oh and I saw some vegetables,fruits ,rice, a packet of salt and pepper and two chickens kept there in the kitchen maybe he left it here so you can eat it when you come back, I didn't  knew he really cared about you " said grandpa Jack "oh you brought a friend  ,welcome you must be a spirit master  it's good that Xiaosan  has a friend okay I will go now take care "

Tang San took the letter
When you read  this letter I would have gone far away............if you feel that becoming  spirit master is not good one-day come back to spirit village and become a blacksmith)
Tang San started to tear up, Xiao  Wu saw this and said "Xiaosan maybe your father wants you to grow fast and help him take care of things, so why are you sad, okay there is food let's cook and eat I am very hungry "

Tang San regained his concentration  and walked towards the kitchen while thinking  that the fragrance  the arrangements can never be done by his father, is this also done by the said person .

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Xiao Wu  ran  towards the door and opened and found Ah Feng  standing there holding a paper bag  and delicious smell coming from it .

"May I come in? "asked Miya it was her  third time entering  this house, first when she was six years old and Tang  San was away from home, second time just few days ago and today is her third time .

"Oh  brother Feng  please come in I was going to prepare food ,we can have dinner together "answered  Tang San and Xiao  Wu also looked towards  Ah Feng for approval.

"Oh I nearly forgot I brought chocolate cookies, candies and boiled sweet potatoes  for you, now that you insist I will have dinner here today, Xiaosan don't  worry I will help you "replied Miya .

And went towards kitchen, took vegetables  washed them and started chopping them after finishing  it he arranged them accordingly in manner in the counter and took fruits, washed them and cut them and arranged them in single plate neatly ,he washed the rice and started cooking it meanwhile he also started cooking vegetables, when it was done within a half hour he turned to look at the chicken which Tang San had just killed and he was also looking towards him in horror because Ah Feng really was very fast he took chicken  from his hand and started roasting them, he also added salt and pepper  ,chopped two tomatoes and onions and fried it and then added it to roasted chicken  and placed it on table hence the dinner was prepared  without a single sweat .

Xiao Wu  was looking at Ah Feng with stars in her eyes, the smell coming from the food was  beyond anything.

Tang San didn't knew why but he went to Ah Feng and hugged him tight, and started crying .

Miya panicked  "Xiaosan, don't  cry, what happened to you? Are you not feeling well? Tell me what's going on please don't  cry, you will fall sick like that, there there now stop crying "

Tang San  found the embrace and fragrance so comfortable that he slowly  came back to sense and saw Ah Feng's panicked look for the first time, he didn't liked the look at all, he wanted Ah Feng  to scold him, stop him from doing wrong, give advice to him, care about him but he didn't  know why but  he never wanted to see him panicked or sad.

"Brother I am okay thank you "Tang San replied getting  away from Ah Feng's embrace but he felt a little lost.

Xiao Wu was surprised  to see all this but didn't comment on it but said "I am starving  ,hurry up come let's eat "

They finished their dinner and Tang San took them towards the hill he used to practice  his skills.

There he stood up and said to the others "Brother Feng ,Xiao  Wu I have no family with me except my father and today he left .So will you be my brother and sister from now on "

Xiao wu agreed and asked immediately  "If a lot of people want to kill me will you protect me brother?"
Tang San  said "Let them step over my body "
Ah Feng said " Before they come to you both I will take you away so they can never reach you,i will see if anything  happens it will  be on me "

Tang San and Xiao Wu both felt funny hearing it but didn't laugh.

"In the presence  of heaven and nature, Gods, immortals, humans demons, beasts and nature, I swear with my heart, soul and power that I will always protect you even if I die, the  Divine Power present in the universe  will be the witness  "sweared Miya in front of them and at the same time wind blowed and various flowers surrounded them in the night filled with stars in the sky flowers in the earth and moonlight around them.

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