chapter 4 Two Blue Silverplant with innate soul power

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They walked together to place spirit Hall in the village and entered the hall.
The spirit grandmaster has already arranged the things for awakening .There was a hexagon circle and a crystal blue bal.
Grandpa Jack said "Children best of luck, please help great spirit grand master "and left the hall to remain outside the hall with villagers.
Inside the hall stood a man in his late twenties. He said to Children's " Hello everyone , I am Su Yantao 26 level Spirit grand master I will guide you to awaken your spirit, now whatever happens don't be afraid".
All the 10 kids stood in a line and the awakening of spirit started, the first kid walked forward and stood on the circle as told.
"Lone Wolf enhancement " and the children were all scared except Tang San and Ah Feng ,the former looked with interest but the other looked with disdain. Thankfully no one noticed.
"Don't be afraid, in future if anyone of you have beast spirit you will be able to do the same and now come close your eyes and feel the spiritual energy "said Su Yantao .

The boy closed his eyes and felt the spiritual energy and raised his right palm were golden light was converging.
"Sickle tool spirit , it has attack ability. Now let's check the spirit power , just place your hand in this crystal ball ".
The boy did as told but nothing happened to crystal ball.
"0 spirit power you cannot become spirit master" the boy's eye teared when he heard the comment but he said nothing, same happened to other kids to. The farm tools appeared till 7 kid.
But this time in the palm of the girl, golden light converged into a two leaf blue coloured plant,
"Blue Silver plant a useless spirit no attack ,control, support abilities ,anyway check the soul power"the same result happened nothing.
When looked at the remaining two boys he felt some,maybe they will have a good spirit.
Tang San came forward ,he was nervous he did not know what spirit he will awake he just wished it should at least not a useless spirit.
What he didn't notice was a pair of eye smiling gently looking at him, the smile was so beautiful as if nature is in its top form.
"Blue Silver plant again a useless spirit "what he did not notice was that the spirit has a golden lines running in it and was more noble looking then blue silver plant, neither did he looked that the boy was clenching his left hand tightly.
Su Yantao was disappointed and was about to call Ah Feng but Tang San inturpted "I want to check my soul power too" since he had no choice he allowed so and then the miracle happened the crystal shined so brightly
"Innate full spirit power "he cried out loudly.
"But then again the spirit is a useless one u can become a spirit elder at most " This time he felt chills in his spine when he said that but when he looked around nothing was there.
"okay the last one, hope you have a good spirit ".

This time Ah Feng stood in the middle of the circle and closed his eyes, he felt the warmth of the mother he has been craving for past 6 years, he felt her presence and raised his right palm .Their was a Blue Silver plant with same golden veins but more importantly had more noble aura then Tang San's Blue Silver plant, but again no one noticed. He was to clenching his left palm and was trying to resist his other spirits, yes other spirits not one but many. He opened his eyes and before anyone can notice more he placed his hand on the crystal ball and it shined brightly just like the it was seconds ago.

Su Yantao touched his head and said "
Blue silver plant, innate full spirit power again" .
Tang San asked "Uncle can please tell me what is innate full spirit power, is it rare to have it?"

"Yes it's very rare to have high spirit power above 5 and it's one among thousand to have innate full spirit power which is basically 10spirit power and I found two at a same place but it has to be Blue Silver plant anyway let's go out"
Su Yantao packed his things came out the hall which village children,
Grandpa Jack asked "Mr.Spirit Master is there any hope in our village to become spirit master "

Suisun Yantao said "Two person with Innate Full spirit power but useless spirit blue silver plant ,they can become at least spirit elders in their life.This is the proof of their awaking " and he left.
Grandpa Jack looked at the village children then the two kids standing together, he walked and said "You are the ones great spirit grand master was talking about"
"Yes" said Tang San other just nodded without saying anything.

Grandpa Jack was very happy, he liked the both kids even through the other was not talkative he was not arrogant and was kind to others,

"You too must practice hard 3months later I will send you both to Nouding city to become spirit master " and send Tang San home because he saw Ah Feng walking alone without saying anything to the river near village.
"I don't know what has happened to this child, but I know he still is a child, Tang San you are a intelligent person, I hope you two can be friends together he is a good kid just he does not expresses himself to other, can you help grandpa do this? "

Tang San was able to notice that the boy was different from the kids his age he never talked to anyone but was very intelligent ,he talked little but whatever he said was very logical, he had helped the village and the condition of the village has also improved lot because of his advice ,he never took anything the villagers gave him but used to give it to grandpa Jack so it could be used in needs.He lived alone with no-one to help but never complained, He felt sad for the boy, he cannot imagine himself like that.
"Yes grandpa Jack I will try to make friends with him "said Tang San.
They arrived in the house and went inside There was a basket full of wild fruits and a dead chicken with a bag half filled with salt along with pepper wrapped in paper beside it and two palm sized pig iron, Tang San was surprised ,It was the double amount he got once in a while, it was like someone is congrucalating him in his special day, he was touch.
The same happened as stated in the novel the fight between the two elder and a heartfelt conservation of a father and son and The first ever thing Tang Hao taught his son was how to be a blacksmith.
No one felt even Tang Hao that from a far some one was looking gently at the reuniting of the father and son and smiling and then vanished from there.

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