No, Please

603 23 0

Song: Carry Me Out - Mitski


And just like that.

The dragon was gone.

Fyodor was gone.

It was silent for a while. All that could be heard was the sound of running and panting. It was Dazai.

The brunet's lungs burned. The back of his light brown coat was stained with blood from Shibusawa's blade. Between the pain in his torso and not being able to see much because of the fog, he wanted to just give up. He wanted to stop his frantic searching and take a moment to collect himself and try to heal his wounds.

But no.

He was too shaken from what he saw to calm himself or to even think. His mind was scattered and all over the place, trying to find any sign of you.

This was the third time the man had felt real fear or worry. Though, now was different from those times. When Dazai saw you fall from the sky, he thought it was too late.

Dazai's thoughts were screaming at him, telling him, "Run faster. This is all your fault. They are gone. Dead because of you. Faster, faster, faster!"

God he didn't think he could go any faster. Pure fear was the only thing keeping his legs moving.

The hard concrete and sharp rocks hurt under the brunet's feet. A particularly large rock made its way into Dazai's path, and due to fog he didn't see it.

"Shit—" His eyes widened as he hurdled to the ground. Dazai quickly made hard contact with the ground. By this time his entire body ached, the fall didn't help. Dazai slowly picked himself up, beginning to run in the same direction.

The sun was rising somewhere behind Dazai and the fog was lifting. Dazai could finally see better. He approached the area where he thought he saw you fall and began his search.

Not soon after he started looking for anything, he saw a hand. A bloody hand. The man's breathing hitched as he moved forward and saw you.

"Y/N—" It took Dazai not more than a second to get down to your level, and try to wake you up. "Please open your eyes darling." His voice was soft and calming, but anyone could still tell how scared he was. "You have to wake up, it's not time to rest yet."

He caressed your face with one hand and hesitantly searched for a pulse with his other. Once Dazai made contact with you, his hands felt warm and wet. Dazai knew that feeling all too well. He squeezed his eyes shut at the touch, and put his hands underneath your body so he would have to see the blood on his hands.

After that he finally focused on your appearance.

You were wearing all white, though the white was barely visible due to the dark blood staining your outfit. Dazai froze up once realizing what he was sitting in front of.

"No, please wake up. Y/N—" The brunet's hands trembled as he reached out for you again, pulling you closer to him. He held you up right and searched for a pulse again.

There was a pulse.

Your heart was still beating.

You were alive.

No— No, Dazai couldn't get his hopes up just yet.

"I know you're still here, please open your eyes." His voice cracked as he spoke quietly. Dazai leaned back against a large boulder, ignoring his own stinging pain in his back. He didn't care about himself at the moment.

"Please Y/N, wake up." He tried his best not to move you too much, he didn't want to hurt you. Dazai's hope was slowly fading away, fear and panic began to take over. You still had a faint pulse, but... No he wasn't going to think about that possibility.

Dazai sat there with you for a long while, waiting and hoping for your eyes to open. He could feel the warm blood on his hands that made him sick to his stomach. Dazai looked at the sky and closed his eyes. His entire world was collapsing right before his eyes, and all he could do was watch.


"H-hey, there you are." Dazai's eyes shot down to you, he showed you a small smile seeing you were awake. You latched onto the man's shirt and gasped in pain. "It's okay, just relax. You're safe now."

"Why are you.. here..?"

"That doesn't matter right now. It matters that I'm here. Don't talk if it hurts, you don't have to do anything more, I've got you."

"Everything hurts..."

"I-I know, I know it hurts. Just stay calm, I promise everything will be okay." Dazai said, he rubbed circles on your shoulder with his thumb, trying to calm both you and himself.

You were just tired. You wanted to rest for an eternity. You didn't even remember how you got into this situation, or why you were in so much pain. All you knew was that Dazai was there with you and that he was scared for you. You could see it in his eyes, and you could tell by the way he spoke. But you were tired, so very tired. You decided to rest a bit and close your eyes.

"Hey, keep those eyes open for me. Please, you can rest soon, just not yet." Dazai said keeping a close eye on you. He couldn't let someone else slip through his fingers like that again, no he wouldn't let it happen again.

"But... I'm tired.."

"I know you're tired, I understand, but just still awake for a little while longer. Help is... coming." That wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie either. Dazai didn't know if anyone was around, well anyone that could help you. Hopefully Yosano was somewhere nearby and she could find you and Dazai since he couldn't move with you.

Honestly the man just wanted to give you reassurance at the moment. He wanted to make sure you knew everything was going to be okay in the end, even if that meant telling you something that may or maynot be true.



"I'm.. sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong, I promise." Dazai said, caressing your face once more. "None of this is your fault, and I mean that." You didn't respond to Dazai, which he expected. He didn't mind if you were silent, he knew that talking hurt in your fragile state.

"Osamu,... are you.. crying?"

Dazai hadn't even realized the wet, hot tears running down his face ever since he laid his eye on you. The first time he had cried in around four years. He didn't miss that feeling at all. But that wasn't the point.

"Oh, yeah I guess so." He said lifting his shoulder and whipping his face on it. Dazai looked down at you with a small smile afterwards and let out a shaky breath seeing the confused look on your face.

"...Why?" You asked, leaning more into Dazai's touch.

"I'm just worried, that's all." Dazai said, showing you a slight smile again.

"Are..." You paused and looked up into the brunet's eyes, "Are you worried... about me—"

"Dazai, is that you?" A voice called from afar. Dazai knew that voice, and so did you.




Sadly, this fic is coming to an end...

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