I Know Now

645 22 1

This is in 3rd person, and back to present time!


"Dazai. Don't worry we will get them back." Fukuzawa said, placing a hand on Dazai's shoulder.


Dazai walked down the brightly lit streets of Yokohama, holding his light brown coat over his shoulder. He was walking back to the apartment with a pale face. He felt like he could throw up at any given time, due to the immense guilt he felt. All he wanted was to wake up from this nightmare and see you again.

He pinched himself for the 4th time, just to make sure. But every time, he realized that it wasn't all a dream and that this was all real.

His plan for the night was to go home and...

He hadn't figured the rest out. He was somewhat lost. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.
Because this wasn't normal.

It wasn't normal for Osamu Dazai to feel this way.

It wasn't normal for Osamu Dazai to be walking home from work, alone.

It wasn't normal for Osamu Dazai to walk into the shared apartment and find no one else there.

And it wasn't normal for Osamu Dazai to sleep alone in the king sized bed, made for two.

Not that he actually got sleep. Every night without a certain someone clinging to his side, was restless. It was almost like a bad habit,... But not exactly a bad one.


It had been days since the members of the Armed Detective Agency went out looking for you.

And they found nothing.

It was like you disappeared without a trace. Everyone was somewhat scared,..

But it was hitting Dazai the worst.

He hadn't left the apartment since the day everyone went out looking. He was too busy working, working on something he could never do on his own.

He had been sitting at the kitchen counter for around 2 hours now, doing research on the dock and warehouse areas.

Finding nothing of cour—

"Dazai! I'm coming in!" Dazai flinched and whipped his head around to the door. The door swung open and hit the wall with a good amount of power (not enough to dent it though) and in the doorway stood Atsushi. "You need to come to the office today." The gray haired boy said, trotting into the brunet's apartment.

"Why.." Dazai muttered, rubbing his eyes with his palms.

"Ranpo has news for everyone." Atsushi grinned, lightly closing Dazai's laptop.

"Do I have to?" Dazai asked, slouching in the kitchen stool.

"Yes!" Atsushi grabbed Dazai and practically dragged him to the office from there. Dazai did manage to grab his coat on the way out but he still protested and grumbled the entire way there. Dazai was then rewarded with arriving at the office, out of breath and sweaty.

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