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More notes at the end of this chapter!


You sat with you head on the counter of the bar, tracing the edge of your glass. Dazai sat in the stool next to you, bobbing the ball of ice up and down with his finger.
"You know...I wonder who that person was in the dumpster..." Dazai sighed sitting up and running his hand through his hair. "I mean, there was no way to tell, their face was" he paused for a moment.. "gone."

You were still half shook from the hold situation. You had never seen anything that bad before. You just wanted to go back to the apartment and pretend it had never happened.

"Yeah...I wonder if they had any family that's worried about them.." you muttered turning you head on its side, to face Dazai.
He was staring back at you in the same position, his glass of whiskey pushed aside, empty. He had already drank a glass before, he was bound to be drunk. Your glass still half full, not feeling up to drinking.

"I can handle the case by myself if it's too much for you-"

"No. I've been working at the ADA for long enough, I'll be fine. This isn't about me anyways." You mumbled the last bit, leaning back in your stool.

"Well, when it comes to you, it is about you. If you really don't want to I can do it." He pushed.

"No. I can do it, we were both assigned this case. Not just you." You were used to Dazai wanting to do things like this by himself, because deep down you knew he was scared and didn't want you getting hurt. He knew how serious this case was going to be. He was scared. He didn't want to lose someone important to him. Again. Which brought his thoughts to his old pal.

"You know, you remind me a lot of an old friend." He said facing you in his stool.

"Really?" You questioned, wondering which old friend it was.

"Yep, you remember when I told you about my friend who would come to this bar with me?"

"Of course." You replied.

"...He was a good man." Dazai started, "He was the only friend I thought I had. You know, one time we came here and we both got wasted on life. It was fun. Ango wasn't happy with us.. but we didn't care. He always had a stick up his ass anyways." Dazai smirked at his last few words.

"Sounds like he was a good person." You smiled.

"He was."

Dazai put his head back down and pushed his glass forward, in front of the bar tender, asking from a refill.

"Hey, but I think we should get going yeah?" You asked, but more of a demand, as you pulled his glass back. You knew he was already somewhat drunk, so you knew it would be best to take his back the the apartment before he got worse.

He didn't seem drunk, but you could tell that he was. His eyes had gotten much darker, and his posture, slouched. Though those were only small things, you knew if he had another drink, it would become much more obvious.

"Sure," He said, quickly standing up and stretching. You did the same and paid for the both of your drinks.

"Let's go," You said taking his hand so he didn't wonder off. Knowing him, he would find a way to get away from you. That's just how he was when he was drunk. It was either that or he would past out.

"Ok." He pouted a little, wrapping an arms around your shoulder. You were both tired from all of the panic of getting the mess from early figured out.

You had called Kunikida earlier, knowing that he would know what to do for now. When Kunikida had arrived at the scene, he was sick to his stomach. Dazai just looked pale the entire time. Like he had said, it was one of the worst crime scenes he had ever found. Though he was indeed a murder, he had never seen or done anything of that sort.

By this time you were both up the stairs and out of the bar, heading through the alleyway. Once you were both out on the street, Dazai looked calm, his hand in yours as you walked on the right side of the sidewalk, him on the left.

He always made you walk on the right side of the sidewalk. Though you were a fully grown adult, he didn't care. He wanted you to be safe.

Once you guys soon made it back to the apartment. You slid off your shoes, Dazai's as well. You emptied your pockets, on the counter and dragged Dazai to the bedroom. He was a lot more hammered then you thought. He wasn't one to get drunk out of no where. He really only got drunk to numb himself or relieve stress.

"Come on, you big baby." You muttered, setting his numb body on the bed. He mumbled something and started unbuttoning his shirt. You were still wearing his coat from earlier in the day. You took it off and set it on the dresser.

"I'll be right back," you said turning on the light in the bathroom that was next to the shared bedroom.

"ok.." He nodded slightly and continued undressing.

You walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You started the shower and undressed. Stepping in the shower you rubbed your arms. You felt dirty.

You, Dazai, and the police had to clean up the scene before. Covering the remains of the body with a bag. You had worn gloves, yet you still felt dirty.

You scoffed and leaned forward, letting water pour down on your head. You shivered and decided to get out soon.


Wrapping a towel around your torso, you opened the door to the bedroom. To your surprise, Dazai was knocked out in the pitch black room. You turned on the light and say him laying on his side,

Wearing nothing but underwear.


I think I have a posting schedule prepared for this fic: I'll probably have two characters done at a time, so I'll post one chapter on one day. Then I'll post the other chapter the next day. After that, I'll take one day off to work on the next two chapters. Then repeat. That's what you can expect for this fic : ) 

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