
805 27 13

Song: K. - Cigarettes After Sex


Holding your bag to your chest, you walked through the night. You didn't know where you were going to go, but you needed to get out of the apartment. You decided to stay at the office for the night, knowing that no one would mind.

You took a moment to stop walking and think. You couldn't shake those words from your train of thought,

"You just act like her sometimes."

You didn't realize it at the time but hot tears had been streaming down your face ever since you had stepped outside.

"Do I really act like that...?"


Dazai stood in the small kitchen with a glass almost filled to the brim with whisky. He wasn't going to get any sleep that night, so it didn't matter if he had a drink or two. Though he knew he had work tomorrow and that he would probably be hungover, he didn't care.

The glass was empty after a while, leaving numb expression on Dazai's face. Which soon turned into anger.

"FUCK!" He yelled slamming the glass down on the floor, causing the glass to shatter.
Dazai then broke down on the floor, that was his last straw for the night. Though he was the one the had broke the glass, it had set him off.

Leaning against the fridge, he began to pick up the small pieces of glass.



You made your way to the office and rushed inside, trying to avoid the rain. You were soaked.

You rung your clothes off a little and walked up the stairs.
You slowly opened the door to the office and peeked in to see if anyone was there.

"I've been waiting for you."

You jumped and almost dropped you things, seeing Ranpo sitting at his desk.

"Ruff night huh.?" He said, propping his feet up on his desk. You realized that Ranpo knew about what had happened, due to his "ability".

"Yeah..." you muttered walking to your desk, across the room from his. "Mind I ask, what are you doing here..?"

"Oh nothing~ I just decided to come here tonight. My locker full of snacks is here." He winked and chuckled. You smiled and sat at your desk. Ranpo's smile faded as he removed his feet from his desk, and sat with his elbows on the table, leaning his head on his hands.

"How bad was this fight, if you don't mind me asking." He asked staring at you intensely. He was noisy.

"It wasn't that bad.." You had lied.

"Hmm? Ok." He mumbled, going back to his original pose. He knew that you lied, but decided to ignore it. You ignored that fact too, opening your laptop to get some work done.


It was around 1 in the morning now, but time didn't matter. Dazai was throwing his light brown coat on his back and swinging the door open. He was going to see someone. And the rain wasn't going to stop him.

Dazai walked down the street trying to make it to his destination. He hugged his torso and shivered, picking up his pace a little.

In under a few minutes he had finally arrived. Dazai walked down a few stairs and into the wet grass he ducked under a tree and sat down next to his old friend.

"So, how are you Oda..?"


"Staying here all night, huh?" Ranpo questioned, trying to make small talk.

"Yeah." You said, typing away at your laptop.

"Working on the murder case?" He questioned peering over your shoulder.

"Yeah... Would you mind helping me with this a little?" You asked turning your chair to face him.

"Sure~" Ranpo cooed. You showed him the computer screen and explained what you needed.

"The murder must be working with other people. When we went to get the box you had informed us about, we were being watched. We were shot at. I don't think that the murderer would take that risk of being caught. I think that they are working with other people, or they are part of an organization." You explained.

"I see." Ranpo said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his glasses and smirked, sliding them on his face.

"Ability: Ultra Deduction."

You patiently waited for Ranpo to analyze the case.

Once he had finished, he took his glasses off and put them back in his pocket.

"The killer is working with people. They are a small section of a bigger organization. The head of this said organization wanted to get our attention. So, they brutally murdered someone, knowing that we would find out." Ranpo said walking back over to his desk.

"Who do you think they are working with..?" You hesitantly asked.

"The Rats."


"Things could be better on my half.." Dazai explained. He was still sitting in the same spot as before, playing with a strand of his hair.

"I got into a fight. Not just any fist fight, if that were the case I wouldn't be upset about it. No, it was a argument to put it in better words." He explained,

"A pretty heated argument too. With my beloved.. You never met them. You would have liked them.. We could have been drinking buddies, the three of us."

"Just like the old days." Dazai sighed, leaning against the gravestone. Dazai didn't care that he was getting soaked in the rain at the moment. He just needed to talk to someone he trusted.

"During our argument I said somethings I didn't mean to say. I didn't mean to hurt them.. I was just so confused. I didn't mean to make them cry. I saw their tears before they left." Dazai threw his head back, and let the rain fall on his face.

"I really messed up.."


You glanced at the clock on the wall and realized it was 2:15 am. Ranpo was still in the office with you, reading a few newspapers. He didn't seem like he was going to sleep any time soon. You in the other hand, were tired. You wanted to fall asleep and pretend that everything was fine and that you were back at the apartment with Dazai. You wanted everything to be okay between the both of you, you really did. But you knew it wasn't okay at the time being.

You closed you eyes for a moment and laid your head on the desk.

"Just a little brake.."  You thought to yourself.

A little brake quickly, turned into a deep sleep.

"Y/N, I'm going to get going. Would you like-..." Ranpo notice you asleep at your desk and smiled softly. He rushed around the office looking for something. He finally found a blanket and walked over to you. Ranpo put the black over your shoulders and closed your laptop. He smiled once again and grabbed a few more snacks before walking out of the door, and closing it lightly,

Not wanting to wake you up.

Ignore the spelling errors (if there are any) I wrote this at 1 in the morning

Next chapter will be out on late Wednesday or Thursday :)

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